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 Is Call of Duty or Call of Duty (2014 game coming out) going to be the best game ever? (2)

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FanboyReview(58) pic

Is Call of Duty or Call of Duty (2014 game coming out) going to be the best game ever?

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Call of Duty improves upon it's self every year almost more then any other franchise so it is likely the next one will even be better. The multiplayer community and players are some of the most high quality we have ever seen in a game. It blows crappy games (not to add overrated) games like Skyrim,The Last of Us, and other games.

1 point

It's not going to be the best game ever. CoD is always the same every year except for the campaign and the other 3rd thing that replaces zombies, and spec ops. The graphics haven't really changed because they've used the same engine for a long time now. And a new development team is making it.