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Micmacmoc(2260) pic

Is Dictatorship Worth Rebelling Over?

Throughout history there have been several rebellions against dictators, although the question often arises as to whether or not it is worth rebelling over. 


The Dictator


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 3
2 points

If it saves more lives than if there wasn't a rebellion, I think that it's worth it. So, whether it is worth it or not is subjective as to who the dictator is, etc. Depending on how many lives are lost, nothing else, the answer can be determined.

Side: Yes
1 point

I concur. The only thing I'd add is unless the dictator has a very positive, outstanding reputation, it's probably worth rebelling against. History tends to show dictatorships go horribly wrong. Too much power to one person.

Side: Yes
2 points

Well, depends on the dictatorship. Anything can be worth rebelling over if it isn't working out too well.

Like in the US where our "Democratic Republic" has resulted in a government that ignores the constitution and big businesses that profit from regulations that destroy small businesses, pretty soon people might start getting a bit rebellious.

Of course, they still haven't taken away our guns, so that may, ironically, keep us at bay at the moment. The most government hating people pretty much won't get up in arms until government tries to take away their guns. That'll be the final straw.

So really, a dictatorship would be worth rebelling over if all the drugs were illegal, people had to pay their government and follow regulations in order to start a business, and their weapons were taken away from them.

Side: Yes

If it is a dictatorship like the one under Kim Jong-un where he is letting the populace starve, it is worth a rebellion.

Side: Yes
2 points

I would usually say yes, but for the sake of argument Ill say No.

I guess it really depends. You should have been a little bit more specific in your question.

Dictatorship by default is not necessarily a bad thing.

There is a HUGE difference between a DICTATOR and a TYRANT.

The citizens of a nation can live prosperously under a dictator, if he has has the people's and nation's interest at heart.

On the other hand a TYRANT usually only cares about himself, and rules with an Iron Fist.

If the people are living good under a Dictator why rebel? To rebel just because he is a dictator doesn't make sense.

Side: No
GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

There is a difference between a dictator and a tyrant, however, a dictator has great potential to turn into a tyrant, as most tyrants started out as dictators. Personally, I believe one man should never have unlimited power over a nation.

Side: Yes
1 point

It entirely depends upon the dictatorship in question. There is no reason to rebel simply because there is a dictatorship, but rather you should rebel or not based on what the dictator does.

Side: No