
Debate Info

Yes! Finally! Nah, he is just fooling around
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Yes! Finally! (3)
 Nah, he is just fooling around (4)

Debate Creator

Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

Is PhxDemocrat really out of CreatDebate?

PhxDemocrat had announced 3 days ago that he was going to stop using CreateDebate..

Yes! Finally!

Side Score: 4

Nah, he is just fooling around

Side Score: 5
2 points

Depends if you decide to log back into that account I guess.

Side: Yes! Finally!
1 point

Does it matter to you?

Side: Yes! Finally!
1 point

Yes it does or he wouldn't have made this debate.

Side: Yes! Finally!
2 points

He is still here somewhere. I can just taste it. Mm mm delicious

Side: Nah, he is just fooling around
1 point

Does it matter to you?

Side: Nah, he is just fooling around
1 point

Yes it does or he wouldn't have made this debate.

Side: Nah, he is just fooling around

Thanks instigator for being smart...................................................

Side: Nah, he is just fooling around