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 Is Tony Barr a good candidate? (4)

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Is Tony Barr a good candidate?

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This might help you a bit. I just typed his name into a search bar and many sites about him came up. So check him out on the Internet.

Supporting Evidence: Congresspedia on Tony Barr (
1 point

Hi, I am totally unfamiliar with this candidate and am looking for any information, so ready to get all republicans out of office for ever, it probably doesn't even matter, but would still like to know a little about him, thanks.

1 point

Tony Barr is for nationalized Health Care, investing in alternative energy research, tax reform for the middle class, small business support, and completing projects promised but not delivered by the incumbent, Bill Shuster.

Tony Barr is endorsed by many labor organizations as their candidate. He holds an outsider view, coming from his background as a teacher. His disagreement with many of Bill Shuster's votes fuels his campaign for change.

Supporting Evidence: Tony Barr campaign website (