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Debate Score:58
Total Votes:61
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Atrag(5666) pic

Is a baby with anencephaly a person?

If a baby is born without a brain (anencephaly) a person? It has no capacity for concious thought, it can't see, feel or hear, nor does it it have a memory but is still capable of growing.


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 39
2 points

Its a person... It's just very limited.

Side: yes

Of course. Its very Hitleresque to say that disabled people are not people. Hitler went after the disabled as well as the Jews.

Side: yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
5 points

Hitler also liked children. Everyone who likes children is Hitleresque. You see the flaw in your logic?

Side: no
1 point

There is no flaw pointing out the fact that Hitler also denied that living people were people. It is wrong to say that babies are not people. Just because babies are disabled does not mean that they are not people.

Side: yes
1 point

Most babies diagnosed with anencephaly don’t live very long. Those that make it through the pregnancy and are no longer parasitically dependent to the mother host are individual entities. As long as they are alive, they are people. They get a birth certificate upon birth, and a death certificate upon death.

Concerning the baby in the video.

Yes. He was human, had a name, and lived for three years outside the womb. He was a person.

Side: yes
1 point

It has no capacity for concious thought, it can't see, feel or hear, nor does it it have a memory but is still capable of growing.

Since when is this a prerequisite for personhood?

He was an individual human being. That is sufficient to constitute a person.

Side: yes

Uh... no. A human that is born without a brain is not a person... or even sentient. Think about it; they can't feel, think, or experience anything. They are literally just a growing fungus... shoot it isn't even that; a fungus still has the capability to live on it's own. That... thing... in the video is just a mass of dying cells.

Was I too harsh?

Side: no
DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
2 points

Uh... no. A human that is born without a brain is not a person... or even sentient.

What constitutes as a "person".

Side: yes
3 points


A person is an individual who can feel, think, experience, love, hate, talk, learn, socialize, problem-solve... (you get the picture).

A person is NOT a drooling mess on the floor not even aware of his/her own existence.

Side: no
1 point

Whoops, made a mistake here.

Side: yes
1 point

Just came to say that I was going to post this, and you beat me to the punch. Upvoted.

Side: no
2 points

If it's brainless, it can't really have any defining personhood traits.

Side: no

I would say no, due to the lack of capacity for consciousness, sense of self, and the other traits associated with personhood.

I believe that we can actually keep a decapitated body biologically alive with medical support, but I certainly wouldn't call that a person either.

Side: no
1 point

I've always thought that your being comes from your consciousness and thought. Even though it has a growing body, it doesn't have a person.

Side: no
1 point

I thoughts Christians supported the rights of disabled people.

Side: yes
Troy8(2433) Disputed
2 points

Who said anything about rights?

Side: no
1 point

I expect a shit ton of disputes, but w/e. I don't believe a baby period is a person. A baby can not contribute, nor can it act on it's own at all. It will not remember anything that happens for I believe an entire year, it is just a waste of space until maybe one.

Side: no