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 Is technology making natural selection irrelevant? (6)

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john63953(99) pic

Is technology making natural selection irrelevant?

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3 points

In order for this to be true, technology would have to exist in a vacuum outside of the pressures of natural selection. Far from rendering natural selection obsolete, technology is a byproduct of natural selection; thus far, nature has selected for technological advancement.

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Just curious then- do you consider such things as selective breeding to still be natural selection, with humans being the source of selective pressure?

I can understand if you do, but it seems to make the 'natural' portion of natural selection somewhat of a redundant term.

Coldfire(998) Clarified
2 points

"Natural" is already a redundant term

and very much overused/ misused at that

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Yes. The term natural is inherently redundant because all things come from nature, including humans and our actions. The distinction of "artificial" is a fallacious attempt to construe what humans construct as extra-natural.

Natural selection is only irrelevant when all couples produce the same offspring and all people live long enough to produce offspring. Technology has reduced the culling effect of natural selection, but it is not gone.

1 point

By irrelevant, do you mean ‘not needed?’ or something else?

I’m not exactly sure what you mean.

The only thing I can think of that would render natural selection irrelevant would be to eliminate the need for survival and procreation. Natural selection is a life forms way of adapting to its surrounding environment. Technology can contribute in shaping us or other life forms considering the presence in our environment and I can even see it helping us survive where we wouldn’t rely as much on natural selection for survival (ie instead of adapting to cold environments by growing fur, we wear a coat) but natural selection, that is the "shuffling" of genes and possibility of mutation in order to adapt, will always be a part of life forms.

I suppose it would render us weak, unable to survive without technology in the long run, and there’s the possibility of creating offspring through the use of gene manipulation to where we wouldn’t need to reproduce in the current methods… but where’s the fun in that?