
Debate Info

We are aware enough We need to be more aware
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 We are aware enough (6)
 We need to be more aware (1)

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1122331(16) pic

Is the general public aware of the danger that Israel is faced with?

I've found that many people dont know that at any moment, Iran can attack and pretty much destroy Israel. I think people need to put more focus on this.

We are aware enough

Side Score: 6

We need to be more aware

Side Score: 2

Iran is not really dangerous, they shout but they know there will be no victory. Iran would get beaten and end up as another middle east oil rig.

Side: We are aware enough

Pretty sure the country with access to 300 nukes and the support of the US is more dangerous than Iran.

Side: We are aware enough
1122331(16) Disputed
2 points

Yes but Iran doesn't care about their people so they will be fine with bombing a country. The US and Israel though are nicer and wouldn't act unless it needed to

Side: We need to be more aware
ChuckHades(3197) Disputed
1 point

This is so farcical I can't even begin to dispute it .

Side: We are aware enough
1122331(16) Clarified
1 point

Sorry that may have sounded too opinion based. I meant that the USA and Israel wouldn't attack Iran because they wouldn't want Americans and Israelis being killed in the Iran retaliation. Iran on the other hand would attack without as much worry of retaliation. To summarize the USA and Israel have more inhibitions than Iran.

Side: We are aware enough

Wasn't Israel already attacked by Iran and a whole bunch of other countries over the course of a few wars, and didn't Israel not only survive these attacks but actually gain territory in the process?

Side: We are aware enough
1 point

If Iran does attack you don't want to mess with Israel they have one of the best weapons and armies and if you attack them they will defend and attack right back. Israel would probably be able to defeat Iran.

Side: We are aware enough

I think Americans are very well aware of the danger Israel faces with Iran.

Side: We are aware enough
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