
Debate Info

There are such things Beliefs are fallible
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:31
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 There are such things (16)
 Beliefs are fallible (14)

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Disbeliever(279) pic

Is there such a thing as a true belief or is any belief potentially false?

There are such things

Side Score: 17

Beliefs are fallible

Side Score: 14
2 points

A belief in something which is self-evident or self-defining is a true belief, so long as the belief is in line with what the conclusion is.

Otherwise no, all beliefs are potentially fallible.

Side: There are such things

This is a very accurate depiction of what beliefs are in their true form.

Side: There are such things
1 point

I think there are some truths in every religion, it's just a little twisted and murky at the minute. I'm still picking knots, but I have some interesting threads unravelling.

Side: There are such things
Disbeliever(279) Clarified
1 point

Can you prove that truth itself exists outside of blind belief?

Side: There are such things
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

The idea that truth exists only in blind belief is illogical. Many truths are hidden and undiscovered, some are merely accepted~ such as gravity, and the fact that I have discworld quotes all over my walls. I don't blindly believe it, I see it and accept it (and think is my handwriting really that terrible without lines?)

Side: There are such things

True beliefs can only be defined by one's actions and are not independent from this, but based solely upon this.

I believe that if I saw a crime being committed that I would intervene. Having stated this and then later witnessing a crime, one can then state it was either a true belief of a false one.

Side: There are such things
1 point

I believe I just ate ramen noodles. This is a true belief, based on empirical evidence. Seems pretty cut and dried, to me.

I rather trust there was nothing extra implied there.

Side: There are such things

It is in the mind of the beholder. If someone perceives a belief to be true, then it is true.

Side: There are such things

Every belief could be false. We never know completely anything.

Side: Beliefs are fallible
Disbeliever(279) Disputed
1 point

Isn't that in and of itself a possibly false belief?

Side: There are such things

Exactly, it's a potentially false belief proving that even the belief that we know nothing could be false. It's an endless circle that goes on infinitely. I land on this side because have a stronger belief that every belief is fallible.

Side: Beliefs are fallible
1 point

Belief is a synonym of faith, both of which have no requirements of proof or basis of fact. Any belief is potentially false, unless the reason for the belief is based on concrete evidence that can be tested, but once one gets to that point it is no longer belief.

Side: Beliefs are fallible
Disbeliever(279) Disputed
1 point

there is no such thing as concrete evidence outside of the context of faith.

You, yourself, seem to be having an unreasonable amount of faith put in disbelief.

Side: There are such things