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RSS Jontherebel

Reward Points:17
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

A little of both depending on who you are dealing with, although fear only works if you have some sort of power over another person or group of people. Respect is most effective for building yourself up to a position of power.

2 points

That is a very valid point. It's not bad to dislike something, but sometimes people can be a little too absorbed by their negative emotions to realize nobody takes them seriously anymore.

1 point

Belief is a synonym of faith, both of which have no requirements of proof or basis of fact. Any belief is potentially false, unless the reason for the belief is based on concrete evidence that can be tested, but once one gets to that point it is no longer belief.

1 point

If someone wants to do anything that is harmful to their health, without being forced to, knowing full well it will do harm, let them. It's not the government's job to say what someone can or can't eat, it's theirs. It's like tobacco, people know it will kill them eventually, but they still do it.

2 points

I have never in my entire life believed that there is a supernatural god, and now that I am older and able to research that kind of thing I have come to the conclusion that the term is incoherent with reality. If I really wanted to, I would worship the sun, seeing as by scientific evidence the earth and all the heavier elements on it were a direct result of a star exploding, and the sun at this moment is the source of all energy on the earth.

1 point

Yeah! What have the Roman's ever done for us, eh? besides roads, education, medicine...

1 point

Make two leagues, one for steroid pumped crazies, and keep the current league for drug free legitimacy.

That way, they are separate, and the people who want to destroy their bodies have a full chance to.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: No! Stay!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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