
Debate Info

Yes..., yes it is What?
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Yes..., yes it is (6)
 What? (3)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Is this a wondeful world or what

Yes..., yes it is

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 3
2 points

Yes this is a wonderful world. Too bad humans are ruining it

Side: Yes..., yes it is
1 point

I totally agree, I am afraid for our future. what our children will see? plundered the resources?

Side: Yes..., yes it is

I clicked on the link..., viewed the video... and I said to myself...., "What a wonderful world." ;)

Side: Yes..., yes it is
Jungelson(3959) Disputed
1 point

What about, my friend, all the things they don't show you. You think that video would go on forever, because it wouldn't. Sooner or later, probably sooner, they'd run out of good things. Make a video about bad things, i'm sorry to say, but it would be much longer.

Side: What?

It's all good ;)

Side: What?
1 point

Haha! It's the BBC!

Side: Yes..., yes it is
1 point

I'm sorry, but it would be, if there were no humans! Really, we are a bad species. if you look at all games, it's always about being better than the other person. Our humor is derived from others pain and missery, and if you look at what the world is coming to, its not too bright!

Side: What?
Micmacmoc(2260) Disputed
1 point

Ha ha - you're good at something! No, it doesn't have the same effect. The tangible world that I can experience is good for ME. Maybe not for other people.

Side: Yes..., yes it is
1 point

I'm sorry i don't quite follow. "Ha ha - you're good at something!" Why say this?

Side: Yes..., yes it is