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 Is this my life? (3)

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monstrasitix(269) pic

Is this my life?

Is it better to live for someone rather than for myself? - I could waste all the spared time for myself and grant my wishes and accomplish my dreams and plans. But then again I thought, what for? After a while I would take these accomplishments for granted and no more seriously. Rather than spend my time with my loved ones and bring them cheer and protection. And be proud of something. - Do you see the difference? - Answer the question in bold.

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The way that you put it, MAKES IT SOUND LIKE YOU WANT TO SUICIDE, but other than that, it is worth having goals! after suffering pain and other bad feelings.

monstrasitix(269) Clarified
1 point

I would kill myself a long time ago if that was my "goal", but. That question in the title wasn't relevant, the question was in the bold below the title. - And one night I just thought to myself. (I'm educated in High School) After I graduate and continue my studies somewhere else. I'll have a distant relationship with my loved ones. And soon it would be time to start my own family after 5 years if not later. And I made a comparison of lives, between my own, and my families. And I decided that I would be happier seeing my family healthy rather than myself getting the happiness out of somebody. - Making someone happy because I wanted it makes it sound like I'm living for myself by doing so. But at the same time for someone else. - It's just a deep thought for me, and something I'll face in the future. And I thought it would be a good arguable question.

1 point

I don't know, is it your life?

1 point

It would sound more funnier and make more sense if you would wrote a comma after "know." But humor is appreciable here. Thanks man!