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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Yes (5)
 No (6)

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warrior(1854) pic

Lets abolish marriage licenses

Marriage licenses were invented back during the Great Depression as a form revenue collection. If we abolished them we could stildigest married and marriage would not be subject to any restraints meaning yes gay peole could get married.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
1 point

Ill vote for this side because marriage should be free. Well aside from all the people you have to pay to put on the wedding because that helps the economy.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, yes

Side: No

I'll say yes, because marrying someone is pretty much living with someone with work benefits.

If you're paying for the work benefits like insurance before you get married, what the difference if you pay for to get married then don't pay for them?

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, yes

Side: No

I never did see the point in a marriage license. If two people want to be together, they should be allowed to be together without paying a fee or getting a required piece of paper.

Side: Yes

How much you have to pay for this, in Croatia it costs around 40 dollars ?

Side: Yes
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
1 point

In Saskatchewan (the Canadian province where I live) it costs $60.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, yes

Side: No
1 point

Yes, yes

Side: No
1 point

The fee for marriage licenses prevents some people from becoming enjoined in haste. It may be a small percentage, but it compounds overtime and saves the economy the grave consequences of devoice en masse.

Side: No
1 point

Yes, yes

Side: Yes