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 Level of Sexuality - I'm curious on what you would rate yourself (19)

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ThePyg(6738) pic

Level of Sexuality - I'm curious on what you would rate yourself

Level 1 - No sex.  Not because you choose, but because you can't.  You don't have to be a virgin, per se, but the reason why you lost your virginity was because of a very unattractive person, very drunk, or a prostitute.  In general, you can not just get laid, no matter how hard you try.

Level 2 - Indiscriminate sex.  You're not that worried about disease or pregnancy.  You kind of just fuck whatever you can.  This doesn't mean that you won't use protection, but it's not a top priority for you and you'd be willing to risk it.  You're not a sex addict, but you have sex whenever you can and it is kind of your top thing on your to do list whenever you're at a social gathering.

Level 3 - Purity.  Mostly for religious reasons.  You're saving yourself for marriage.  Not much else to say.

Level 4 - Monogamous.  Not that you can't be monogamous in a relationship sense for the other levels, but when it comes to sex you only do it with your loved one... a serious boyfriend or girlfriend.  You don't just have sex while dating casually.  You date to find someone that you "love," and then have sex when you find that person.

Level 5 - Sex without complications.  You don't just have sex with anyone, but if there's someone that you find physically attractive, you'll want to have sex with them.  You mostly use protection unless you've been casually having sex with someone that you trust.  You avoid relationships or feel that at your age or moment in time, a relationship isn't necessary.  Sometimes you believe in open relationships and marriages, if you are to get serious with someone.  Sex, to you, is something that doesn't require a significant other and is fun as hell and should be shared with many.

Level 6 - Objective.  You have a similar mindset to Level 5, but you don't view sex in such a high light that the others would.  You, sometimes, don't even enjoy it in the same way.  You can, but not always.  You don't believe that sex needs love, and you don't believe that love needs sex.  You will often be distant from others.  Sex is fun, but it isn't necessary.  You'd be fine with never having sex if the opportunity never arose.  But you can still be eager to try it, just like any other experience that people engage in.  You aren't a robot, just indifferent.

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Strong 4.

But, I'm only 17, I wouldn't be surprised if I could be a 5 in the next ten years or so.

I'm definitely a 5.


I am so straight that I even bricked up the back door to my house ;)

Oh..., wait..., is that what you mean by "level".....

I'm level 7 - You need Viagra before you even start to consider the other levels ;)

You forgot Level 8 - Just the thought of getting lucky is enough to get you off so you don't have to worry about considering the other levels ;)


If 6 does include a lot of the aspects of 5, as it says, even though they weren't specifically listed there.

1 point

I am level 3. I am saving myself for marriage because it makes God happy for me to do so. That does not mean, however, that I cannot masturbate. Enough said.

Why? This is far from an actual debate, rather it is a poll. Therefore, sexuality is a private matter, so I am somewhere from 1 to 6.

1 point

It's a thing I'm working on for research.

I want to see how people respond to it.

As well, it can become debatable cause clearly this isn't a complete list. It's a prototype. I can use feedback if people aren't satisfied with the different levels.

I think if you arranged it with the lowest number representing the least amount of sex and the highest representing the most it would be easier to call yourself a 2.5 or 5.5 or whatever. As it stands, calling yourself a 1.5 doesn't make any sense, while a 5.5 is a reasonable compromise of the aspects of 5 and 6 because 5 and 6 are similar. It might also help to make more numbers just for the sake of adding more mediums; i think almost all sexuality types can define their sex life by one of these ratings, but it might be a bad fit.

I cant actually put to words any of these mediums at the moment, sorry to be unhelpful, but one new category I think you could include would be one that describes people who use sex as a tool, or means to achieve an end, golddiggers, groupies, bitches tryna steal other bitches boys, etc.

1 point

Odd place to do research.------------------------------------------------------

1 point

Human sexuality is complex. You are definitely missing some "levels," and why are you categorizing them into levels anyways? The descriptions of each level seem much too specific to apply to most people. What is the significance of the numbers I wonder?

You should add in "levels" for asexuals and polyamorous individuals.

1 point

The descriptions of each level seem much too specific to apply to most people.

Well, i try to generalize them a bit, not making them too specific. One wouldn't have to match the category completely in order to be in it, it's more about understanding.

why are you categorizing them into levels anyways?

I don't mean to imply any numerical value. I just don't have a name.

This is a rough draft for some research I intend to do for my Masters/Ph.D.

I'm trying to get a feel for how people will respond, and also see what they may input. Clearly, as you said, sexuality is complex. But in Psychology we denote the entire human mind into a science, which requires categorization.

You should add in "levels" for asexuals and polyamorous individuals.

Asexual i could add to a new category, but polyamory people I see as level 5 (after I add tweeks). Not that everyone in level 5 is polyamorous, but the idea of loving others and not limiting yourself to any one type will eventually be in my research.

At the moment, though, I don't really wish to put down the pages of description that would account for these categories. Like I said... rough draft.

BenWalters(1513) Clarified
1 point

You're doing your doctorate on sex? Classy ;) Sounds pretty fun though, what exactly are you asking/answering in it?

1 point

Six. I can live without it but it's fun. Not a necessity.

1 point

Level 4. I've only had sex with my boyfriend.

Though if we broke up I'd have sex with probably a lot of people. But just people I have a connection with. I'm not the type to have sex just to have sex.

1 point

Level 3 for spiritual or religious reasons. .