
Debate Info

Yes. No.
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:26
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 Yes. (12)
 No. (10)

Debate Creator

LibPatriot(328) pic


Liberal: of, pertaining to, about or advocating liberalism, the religious and political view point that values liberty, justice, progress, and change. Favorable or in accord with maximum freedom while still providing for the underpriveliged. Example: Sally's views on abortion are liberal because she supports a women's right to choose. Etymology: from the Latin "liberalis", which means liberty.


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 14
1 point

Ha. You look at any so-called liberal party, and they will only pertain to a couple of these. If what you described there was true liberalism, then sure I'm in. I mean I am towards the left anyway, but all political parties suck in their own special way. Some more than others, as I have explained time and time again.

Side: Yes.

Liberals are wonderful, energetic, intelligent, benevolent, and happy human beings.

Side: Yes.
Atrag(5666) Banned
2 points

No .

Side: No.
LibPatriot(328) Disputed
1 point

Got facts? ;)

Side: Yes.
Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point

Well, the phrase has changed a lot in meaning over time.

In this case, it would only apply to contemporary US left wingers.

Side: No.

Lol No .

Well Yes. Now provide proof of your claim or admit defeat!

Side: No.
2 points

Liberal: A term relating to the Democratic party, used to describe crazy people who don't understand what they are advocating.

Example: Hey, you know that crazy woman who doesn't understand what she's talking about?

Is she a liberal?

I just told you she's "crazy", didn't I?

Side: No.
LibPatriot(328) Disputed
1 point

You mad because you do not know what etymology means? ;)

Side: Yes.
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

Ummm... I'm gonna have to go with no. What makes you think that I'm mad?

Side: No.
LibPatriot(328) Disputed
1 point

Not all liberals are Democrats, and not all Democrats are liberals. ;)

Side: Yes.
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

Ugh... and your point is? You're a democrat, right?

Side: No.

No I don't like the idea of people being left to do whatever the hell they want.

Side: No.