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 Look at the insults towards Christians & support for Gay activists. Hypocritical Left! (20)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Look at the insults towards Christians & support for Gay activists. Hypocritical Left!

Do you think you will ever hear the insults from the Left towards Gay activists, as you hear towards Christians? Never!

You see, the Left hates any expression of Christianity in public places. THEY ARE BIGOTS!

There is no tolerance, no open mindedness, no respect for Christians who want to keep our laws and freedoms in the hands of the people in each State. But when it comes to these LGBT groups who want to transfrom our State's rights, there is nothing but respect and acceptance of their political correct mandates forced on every State.
You see in most States, the majority of people were against Gay marriage, so the Left had to get enough activist Justices appointed to force their PC will on all Americans. VERY SCARY AND VERY DANGEROUS! Our freedoms to dissagree with Big Brother are being stripped one by one.

Those on the Left are insecure bigots who must spend their lives ridiculing those who do not tow the political correct Big brother way of thinking. They must censor any mention of God on our public lands, but when it comes to Gay awareness on public land, they are all for it!

The Left goes out of it's way to lift up abnormal sex, Transgender disorders, no restriction abortions, etc. etc.
They excuse their cheerleading for LGBT agendas by calling their agendas as being equal rights issues, but when it comes to our communities freedoms and rights to have a nativity scene on their public land, the Left starts screaming the lie of separation of church and state.
A nativity scene DOES NOT ESTABLISH A RELIGION! It is a symbol of our Christian heritage! But this is the lies pushed by the Left to censor our majority Christian faith and symbols of our Christian heritage. These are scary dangerous Bg Brother elites!

Isn't it nice how the Left will always come up with concocted excuses and reasons why they can be intolerant, closed minded, hateful towards the diversity of Christian expression.

These Democrat phoneys are truly insecure small minded bigots who want Big Government to control the masses with their political correct laws and mandates FORCED ON OUR STATES AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. They want to transform America into a Godless secular gutter.

It's Big brother in action. This is no movie! This is reality and the people who vote for this extremist Democrat party, are ushering it in.

Hillary said it all. These elites on the Left actually think that 25% of our electorate are racists, xenophobes, sexists, homophobes, Islamaphobes. She does not even know the people who would vote for Trump. But this closed minded elite bigot labels and insults us all!
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umaroth(7) Banned
6 points

They want to transform America into a Godless secular gutter.

Huh that must explain why that want to get rid Churches. Oh wait they don't!

3 points


I still don't get why you're against gay marriage- what's your problem? Preventing gay marriage or transgender bathroom rights isn't "freedom", it's the opposite.

What do you think is so just about controlling people's lives like this?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You don't get it because you are ether Gay, or a Left wing extremist.

The rest of Americans who were against gay marriage in their states (OBAMA AND HILLARY INCLUDED) DO GET IT!

umaroth(7) Banned
2 points

Why do you hate the 1st Amendment so much?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Why do you so hate the first amendment? You on the Left are insecure bigots who fear any freedom of religious expression in Public. TALK ABOUT CLOSED MINDED? You can't stand watching our nation celebrate our history, our Christian heritage. HOW INSECURE CAN YOU BE?

Here is the First Amendment....

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Did you miss the part where it says the Constitution prohibits the impeding the free exercise of religion? IT DOES NOT SAY THAT OUR FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSIONS ARE ONLY ALLOWED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!

Why do you fear having tolerance for the expression of our nation's majority faith?

Putting a nativity scene on public grounds DOES NOT ESTABLISH A RELGION! Why on earth do you think our nation had always allowed expression of our majority faith on pubic grounds, until the Progressive thought police came along and twisted the meaning of the 1st amendment to fit their twisted bigoted ideology.

Celebrating our Christian heritage through Christmas and Easter Holidays in pubic schools are symbolic and extablishes NOTHING! Children have always been allowed to stay home on those days if they wanted to.

You people on the Left are truly closed minded intolerant people who get outraged when any community dares to display a symbol of our Christian heritage.


umaroth(7) Disputed Banned
3 points

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion

Exactly and having Symbols of only one religion in a Government run institution would be going against that.

You on the Left are insecure bigots who fear any freedom of religious expression in Public. TALK ABOUT CLOSED MINDED? You can't stand watching our nation celebrate our history, our Christian heritage. HOW INSECURE CAN YOU BE?

Ok then let's put Religious symbols of several Religions in schools to celebrate America's diversity and equality!

JustIgnoreMe(4290) Disputed Banned
2 points

The main criteria is equal treatment - whatever Christians are allowed to do, so is the Church of Satan.

Where are you being blocked from public demonstration of your religion that you think you and the Church of Satan and other religions should have better access to the public square?