
Debate Info

I Believe My Lying Eyes I Believe What I'm Told
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 I Believe My Lying Eyes (1)

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HighFalutin(3402) pic

MSM, CNN, Jimmy Kimmel et. al. LIE

Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes

Believe What You're Told

Is it any wonder why the MSM, CNN, MSNBC/NBC et. al. have a credibility problem? Here's first-hand evidence why.

I Believe My Lying Eyes

Side Score: 1

I Believe What I'm Told

Side Score: 0

It amazes me how stupid CNN and the left think you are to not believe the obvious. Trump was right to label the MSM fake news; this is a perfect example of it.

Side: I Believe My Lying Eyes
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