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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Made it to the top of the leaderboard! (5)

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atypican(4873) pic

Made it to the top of the leaderboard!

I finally did. I made it to the top of the leaderboard. First time ever!


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Congratualtions. Now your next goal is to take Joe down. He's been the leader waaay too long.

2 points

Thanks. It's important however that he stay on top so we all don't take this too seriously. :)

1 point

congratulations. now the only hard part is to stay top :P

i went top once. things were slow then. ;)

atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

Thanks but I wouldn't do that to you. It would bore you to tears. :)

1 point

you're still top though. ;) and its possible that i don't get on top at all for a while. i'm still very unstable on here..