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It was Excon Excon knows him
Debate Score:1
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 Excon knows him (1)

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Bronto(2002) pic

Man accused of killing brother with sword: ‘God told me he was a lizard’

Man accused of killing brother with sword: ‘God told me he was a lizard’

SEATTLE – A Washington state man accused of killing his brother has been charged with murder after he allegedly drove a 4-foot-long sword through the victim’s head Sunday night.

Buckey Wolfe, 26, who prosecutors said appears to be mentally ill, called 911 around 6:40 p.m. and told an operator that he had killed his brother, and that he thought he was a lizard, according to The Seattle Times.

It was Excon

Side Score: 0

Excon knows him

Side Score: 1
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He must have been mentally ill! All he had to do was use a GUN, and say he feared for his life! BOOM ….. end of story, end of lizard, thank God.

Side: Excon knows him