
Debate Info

Horrible person Good
Debate Score:34
Total Votes:61
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 Horrible person (6)
 Good (11)

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Sulith(508) pic

Martin Luther King Jr.

My birthday was on Martin Luther king day this year.

And it disgusted me, so I wanted to make this ASAP.

Horrible person

Side Score: 8


Side Score: 26
0 points

He was he was a deranged drug abusing human that slept with his fans while having a entire family of his own.

And he is looked at as a hero in Public schools.

Sad that they don't mention this kind of stuff.

May his words die fast..

Side: Horrible person
powrovru(15) Disputed
4 points

Every one makes mistakes. Alot of good people have done bad things but that doesn't mean he was horrible. He was a hero. In this day and age a hero to me is some one who has the balls to stand up for what they believe in regardless of the consequences. Thats what he did and some day I wish to make as a big of an impact on the world as he did. Racism is a horrible issue and its sad that apparently we can't all be equal. But at least some one was brave enough to stand up and say i'm not taking this any longer so more african americans can have a chance to do good in this world. Look at what he was fighting for rather then his mistakes.

Side: Good
1 point

I agree! Maybe he did, but so what? We learn from our mistakes. I think as wise as he was, he learned from his mistakes. Hey at least he didn't kill anyone. Because that would be an even bigger mistake. And if you think he is stupid for sleeping with fans. What about JFK? He slept with Marilyn Monroe. That's just as bad, and he was properly one of the best politicians in American history. Private life is there problem, not ours. Real problems like racism, that's our problems.

Side: Good
Sulith(508) Disputed
-1 points


And look how the common blacks thank him now?

Thieves/drugs/adultry/"ghettos"/Rap what they call "music"

All blacks should've just been sent back to Africa.

Instead we have to put up with all the shit on the news about people being raped armed roberys ETC

Side: Horrible person
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

"he was a deranged drug abusing human that slept with his fans"

What!? Prove it.

Side: Good
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

All too frequently do I witness a common error in the thought proccess of otherwise intelligent people. As is our human nature, we attempt to classify reality in black and white (not in the racial way). It is this pursuit of balance that blinds our own ability to reason, (such is why I avoid partisanship.)


Is the world really black and white, or are there shades of grey?


I believe the latter. There is no indivdual who hasn't done something wrong. And there is no individual who hasn't continued to do something wrong. I've heard nothing of Martin Luther King Jr.'s personal affairs, possibly due to sheltered schooling, but I've heard enough about his political and philosophical beliefs to know he is quite humain, moreso than the majority of human kind could ever hope to be.


One without sun, one without shadow, one without anger is one who's not whole.

Side: Good
fire(41) Disputed
1 point

what are you, a skinhead. Did you live in the time of Martin Luther King Jr., did you know his family. May your words die fast, and may the world be rid of another hateful (and obviously) racist person.

Side: Good
1 point

Making a positive change, to me, makes him a good man. For those that prefer inequality, and seperatism, he wasn't viewed as being the good man he was. And what proof do you have of him sleeping around? Is this judgement simply because he is black. Even if he did, he did more good than harm.

"To err is human, to forgive is divine." ~Alexander Pope

Even if he did the things claimed, it is not for us to forgive, but for the people he hurt to forgive. But, he surely didn't hurt the black community, only the sensibilities of the racists.

Side: Good
1 point

so what if he did things that weren't perfect, doesnt everyone. you should learn this in mormon school sulith

Side: Good
1 point

he made the country equal, even for Mormons like sulith. you should be thankful for people like him you idiot

Side: Good
Sulith(508) Disputed
1 point

HE did not make the country equal.

He didn't do anything of the sort he just rambled on about him having some dream.

Politics made the country "equal" but it no longer is seeing now that blacks have more rights in calling people racist and all and getting away with murder (OJ Simpson).

Side: Horrible person
1 point

If Martin Luther King wasn't born think about what would happen to Michael Jackson(the black Michael Jackson) or any other black person! Without Martin Luther King's words of wisdom the world would be a world of assholes that say,"NO COLORED PEOPLE!"I'm not black but, i thick it's wrong to think he was horrible.I'm only a 5th grader and my teacher reads books about him every February and I hear about what he did.So don't think he was bad he changed the world completely.

Side: Good
Sulith(508) Disputed
0 points


He didn't change anything at all.

All he did was say "I have a dream"

The Race rights would have kicked in sooner or later without him spilling his filth everywhere.

Side: Horrible person