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Movie Review: Maze Runner Series

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2 points

The first one was a very enjoyable movie, even though it didn't quite live up to the book. I wasn't a big fan of the second one. They just strayed too far from the book's story-line, and it just felt too rushed. Death Cure was even less like the source material, and it was a little underwhelming. But then again, Death Cure was also the weak link in the book series.

2 points


I haven't seen "Death Cure" yet, though I have listened to the series on audiobook. The movies certainly stray from the book quite a lot, however in some ways that worked for "The Maze Runner" as it gave an alternative storyline to the one I was expecting to see. I thought the first movie was good, the second movie was decent--though, again as you say, the movies are quite different from the book series in many ways