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souloflight(404) pic

Music has more good effects on children than bad effects

I would appreciate it more if you guys gave some facts with your answers to support them too, ;)


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 5
1 point

I think that music has more good effects on children. According to the statistics average IQ of fans of rock music is much higher average IQ fans of pop and rap. As for me when I listen the music and at the same time to do my home work, I do it more better, because different ideas come to my mind faster, in this period of time my imagination works better for compose something ... It all depends on the mood of the listener; your character and what kind of music you listen!

Side: Yup
1 point

Music vs. no music?

I think it would depend on the genre to accurately assess whether it has more beneficial effects than negative, and even then the opinion on music is very subjective.

In general, I think there is more 'positive' music than 'negative' music, so I would say there is a majority of 'good' effects over 'bad' effects.

Side: Yup

How can beautiful poets, such as Bob Dylan, have negative effects on children? I'll admit that songs like "move bitch" aren't very good examples of the positive impact music can have. But if we can find a way to encourage children to discover music that gives out a good message, or is just well written, then I can't see a flaw. It's just a shame that there happens to be chauvinistic, misogynistic crap polluting the airwaves at the moment.

What music can be
Side: Yup
1 point

Certainly, music undoubtedly has good influence to children. First of all, it is a great pleasure to listen to music and it doesn't matter children or adults. I may call it as "to combine useful with pleasant". Since music gives children many perspective opportunities. Moreover, it helps them develop in many ways. For instance, as Riley.R (1999) said, “studying music and the arts elevates children’s education, expands students’ horizons, and teaches them to appreciate the wonder of life” (The National Association for Music Education, 2002). I fully support his idea. As for the basic ways of influence, they are development of outlook, benefits from emotional state, and perfecting studying skills. According to The National Association for Music Education, music also provide children high level of IQ, brain development and perfect concentration at schools. I think that saving harmony, keeping positive mood and managing of own depression is very important in the life. Since, it helps to look at difficult situations of the life easily. Thus, music is one of the main possibilities to save nervous system healthier for a long time. To conclude, as we see, music is very useful for children in different sides. In my point of view, we should appreciate it and try to attract children to music more and more for their own sake. As Genri Ford said, “the future of our nation depends on providing our children with a complete education that includes music” (The National Association for Music Education, 2002).

Side: Yup

WOW! that was very informative. and very true. i fully support your idea.

Side: Yup

Music makes kids jump up and dance, so, it does have a powerful influence on them and music is good for kids because it can also soothe them to sleep at night.

Side: Yup
1 point

It depends on the kind of music they listen to. If they listen to music that swears a lot then it would be a bad effect because kids that are in elementary school shouldn't swear. Also some music out there might be inappropiate to listen to. I know I only listen to Christian music which is clean and doesn't swear and I listen to the words really carefully.

Side: Nope
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

Oh yeah, 'cos that Bible you have is so much more moral than songs that swear! :)

Side: Yup
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Well I listen to Christian music talks about the Bible and where you could find it. Other Christian music is worshiping God or it has a meaning to the people about God.

Side: Nope