
Debate Info

Night Day
Debate Score:94
Total Votes:128
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 Night (21)
 Day (20)

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Night vs Day


Side Score: 46


Side Score: 48
3 points

The night is cooler in terms of temperature, for most occasions. If you're not a cold-person, use a fleece. But if it's too warm, you can't take off an extra layer of skin. At night, the air also tends to be fresher therefore awakening you more.

Side: Night
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
1 point

There’s shade, A.C, and walls for a reason. What’s the point of awakening you more when you sleep at night? If you put on extra clothes, you’re heavier and slower.

Side: Day
2 points

what do you think would happen to all of the nocturnal animals they would die because their preys could see them and couldn't get any food because they would be able to run away owls and other animals would be gone as we know it

Side: Night
2 points

day time animals would be gone too. and plants would die because of no sunlight and we would die because of no oxygen so i think we need both night and day

Side: Night
2 points

at night there is a silence sound that actually relaxes you so you can go too sleep no wonder people take naps during the day instead of sleeping because they cant sleep with all the noise of the day time night is better we can actually sleep and get replenished to actually make it to another day.if it wasn't for night there would be no day.not that i don't like day time it is fine too but night is better

Side: Night

At night, you get to sleep, who would not want to do that?????...... right?

Side: Night
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
1 point

You could sleep in the day too. Why do people keep thinking that you can only sleep at night?

Side: Day
MainUddin1 Clarified
1 point

Yeah, it's totally right. Sleeping in the daytime is not much comfortable as sleeping in the nighttime but it is not a problem.

Side: Night
1 point

At night everything's dark. Not alot of people are awake ( in the country )in there's a certain peace you can find that you don't get during the day.

Side: Night
1 point

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Day
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
1 point

You have noise cancelling headphones for a reason, and a type of glass that mutes noise (I don’t remember the name of it).

Side: Day

I have never figured out why many are afraid of the dark, it hides all the ugliness in the world. I fear only that which I see, not what I don't see.

Nighttime rules.

Side: Night
JackRex(9) Disputed
5 points

it hides all the ugliness in the world

This just proves that you're shying away from the ugliness in the world. Instead of shying away, accept it and do something to beautify the ugliness. By shying away, you'll simply make the world more ugly.

Side: Day
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
2 points

What I said only proves what I prefer, not what I do. I shy away from nothing. In fact, I spend all day yelling and at the dumb asses that roam around during the daylight hours. When I'm not yelling at them, you can finding me planting my foot on some of them.

I just slip away to the darkness for a half hour break away from the madness.

Side: Night
1 point

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Day
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
1 point

Ugliness? The sun makes the flowers visible and beautiful. You’re saying plants are ugly?

Side: Day
1 point

at night you get to sleep which helps youre body relax day time just stresses and tires you out

Side: Night
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
2 points

You could sleep at day too. Just close the blinds. It’s very simple to do.

Side: Day
1 point

I think night is better because you get to stay in bed and grab a bunch of food. and that it is peaceful and it is not loud unless you have neighbors living above you. and you get to walk around the house.

Side: Night
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
2 points

You can stay in the bed, and grab food in the night too. You can use noise cancelling headphones to mute the sounds, and you can walk around the house at day too.

Side: Day
4 points

Well in the night it is specifically colder. Also we all know we need day. We need light and a social life.

Side: Day
4 points

I agree. We need light and a better social life in the day.

Side: Day
3 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
3 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
3 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
3 points

You can actually see in the day but in the night you can't see anything. Sunlight is also good for the earth in terms of plants to help with Photosynthesis. Sunlight is important for Vitimin D in the body which helps your body to have good physical health.

Side: Day
3 points

Day is better. Because first of all day starts from the morning and it is the new beginning of new day. At day period of time you may start the new discovery for yourself because the power of sun present you the new energy and light. You create and produce more at day time than at night. Because our organism at night just relaxing. You have a chance to meet the sunrise it is the best phenomenon in our life, you may breath pure air at the morning and have a chance to have a breakfast with the soft, crispy croissant with the cocktail fresh from orange.

Side: Day
3 points

on the other hand day animals would be gone too and all of our plants would die from no sunlight and we would all die because of no oxygen . i think it is safe to say we need bolth night and day

Side: Day
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
3 points

Day is better because you are not in a world full of darkness. Day is better because it allows you to see, and if it was night forever, then your electricity bills would be extremely high if you turn on the light. Some people are scared of night. You can still sleep in day, just close the blinds. Night is seen as “Depressing” for some people too.

Side: Day
2 points

We need sunshine to be healthy.

Side: Day
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
MainUddin1 Disputed
2 points

Don't spam. You are only doing this for getting points which is cheating.

Side: Day
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
YousifDuck1(9) Disputed
3 points

Stop spamming. You just keep spamming so you can get points and try to win the debate.

Side: Day
1 point

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night

I like the day because I like the sun and the blue sky and I can ride my bike anywhere.

Side: Day
2 points

But if you think about it, that doesn't really make sense, now does it?

Side: Night
2 points

does anybody even use this sightr anymore im seeing chats from 10 years ago this is crazy did real people type thos please tyoe back but anyways day is better onb (on bro)

Side: Day