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Debate Score:7
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 Nom explains why israel is gay (5)

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Beast666(17) pic

Nom explains why israel is gay

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2 points

Good video. Very interesting.

There's a big row going on at the moment in the UK about "anti-Semitic" emails sent between Labour Party members which were somehow acquired or leaked.

In my opinion Jewish right wing power is going after Corbyn because it is frightened of him. He's essentially a socialist, and his popularity among the people has been nigh impossible to squash through conventional means. Most of the emails are just jokes made in bad taste. Offensive, certainly, but nothing to warrant the level of war being fought over them.

1 point

Bump .

1 point

Bump .

0 points

Bump, Bump, Bump, Bumpity-bump-bump-bump. Got anything productive to do, Einstein??