
Debate Info

Yes, indeed I do. I'm not enjoying this.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, indeed I do. (1)
 I'm not enjoying this. (2)

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GodsDebate(17) pic

Now That We have been almost 2 years into this new president, do you like it?

Yes, indeed I do.

Side Score: 1

I'm not enjoying this.

Side Score: 2
1 point

Joe Biden signed a 1.9 Trillion dollar Covid relief and has delivered 200 Million covid shots for people 16 and older. The fact that he is doing something about Covid is truly inspiring. The unemployment rate is going down, schools are re-opening for face-to-face learning with their teachers, MASKS ARE COMING OFF, and for some reason, it all started when Biden stepped into office? Coincidence, I think not. Biden walked into his office on his first day and swore he'd get 100Million vaccinations by his 100th day, He got 100M vaccinations on his 60th day. Donald Trump promised to get 20M vaccinations by the end of 2020 he couldn't even do that. The man who has to read his speech off of his notecards is doing better than the Man that is worth more than 2.4 Billion dollars. But everyone has their opinions so it's fine.

Side: Yes, indeed I do.
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
1 point

Please guide me here, but, according to your calculations I seem to have been laboring under the misapprehension that Biden's tenure as President of the United States began with his inauguration on the 01/20/2021 making his time in Office up to this date, 09/15/2021, just under eight months.

The United States will come out of the Covid-19 pandemic with all guns blazing, metaphorically speaking, and will quickly assume its role as the leading nation of the Free-World.

America's post pandemic recovery will be as a result of the tenacity and dogged determination of its people with President Gobbledygook trying to take the credit, but in reality being unable keep up with the speed at which our resourceful and energetic nationals will, without a doubt get the country back on track.

Side: Yes, indeed I do.
1 point

The one thing I loved about Trump being in office was the fact he wasn't there for the money, but he was there to change the country, and he played that part well. He was a businessman making Millions and sometimes Billions on a regular basis. He has a 7-10 FIGURE JOB, why would he move down to a 6 figure job? He has made and renewed many alliances with many countries, illegal immigrants were invading the country so he put up a wall to help stop. I don't know if you understand this or not, but illegal immigrants come to the country, they need a job. That job is a job you could have. YOU are playing fair, They are not. Biden being in office has made the Gas prices going up, mainly because of minimum wage going up as well. Teenagers are getting paid more, but adults aren't which doesn't balance it out well. And where did Joe Biden(the man who is worth $8M) get $1.9T? Jeff Bezos doesn't have that kind of money?!?! But everyone has their opinions so it's fine.

Side: I'm not enjoying this.
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
1 point

The passionate driving force behind Trump's successful candidacy for President was his crusade to save America from the loony-radical socialists.

Trump's sentiments were fine and most definitely pro American but, due to his overbearing brashness he was unable gain sufficient support from the electorate and the population at large for his policies.

In other words, he was/is not a good leader.

Right now we need a President who is a strong leader, intelligent, fast thinking, charismatic and a SKILLED ORATOR whose chief aim is to assist the American people to defeat the Chinese disease and surmount the mountain of challenges which will be awaiting a post covid-19 America.


Side: Yes, indeed I do.
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
1 point

The more I think about it, the person who fulfills the specification for the type of President the country needs at this critical moment in time is BARACK OBAMA.

Side: Yes, indeed I do.

It's been barely 9 months, but it seems like years with Biden. Profligate spending, rampant inflation, woketopian idealism and open borders are going to turn us into they type of countries these southern gatecrashers were fleeing. I hope in 2022 we can put up a firewall to stop the insanity.

Side: I'm not enjoying this.
Ahoghill(1452) Clarified
2 points

I'm afraid that by the time Biden and his radical socialist Party, the DImocrats have finished with us the economic and industrial landscape will look like the aftermath of a full scale nuclear war.

Side: Yes, indeed I do.