
Debate Info

Is obama bad or is he good
Debate Score:109
Total Votes:160
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 Is obama bad (31)
 or is he good (22)

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nooo(128) pic

Obama good or bad

Make your choice is obama a good presidant or a bad one

Is obama bad

Side Score: 55

or is he good

Side Score: 54
3 points

His ideology is essentially incompatible with American values, and his policies are basically an extension of President Bush's (except with marginally more liberal social policies). Unless you're willing and able to make a convincing argument for Bush having been a good president, I don't think it's honest to say President Obama can be counted as one either.

Side: Is obama bad
maitbraun Disputed
2 points

you are very wrong my friend..........................................................

Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

That's not an argument, my e-cquaintance.

Side: Is obama bad
-1 points

Weeellll... If you're saying that Bush is an arsehole, then yes, yes I agree! For many, many reasons.

Side: Is obama bad
2 points

He's a spender. He wants the rich to pay more taxes and that sounds really good in theory, but see it as this....imagine a teacher gave out a test and certain people studied super hard and others did the opposite. The people who studied ended up making A's and the people who didn't failed miserably. The teacher then averages the class grade and the avg. comes out to a D. Now what incentive are the people who studied super hard going to have to study for the next test??? Their not going to....they might not even study at all knowing that they'll only get a D again. Same with pres. Obama's proposal.

Side: Is obama bad
2 points

Obama is clearly one of the worst presidents in the past 50 years. Not only my opinion but the numbers show it as well!

Side: Is obama bad
1 point

Obama's actions clearly dictated he has no clue what to do in the terms of global events. For one, his Apology Tour in the Middle East. You don't go apologizing to your enemies then neglecting to visit ANY allies on the way around the world. For another, that little video that they said started Benghazi. Freedom of speech there, mates. They just found some random tiny thing to arrest him over and blamed everything on that video. A leader doesn't make excuses, he takes what he has and deals with it and makes it better.

Obama didn't do anything to take what he had and make it better, he blamed Bush his entire term. And Bush was more Democratic than any other Republican President, so I don't know why Democrats are so upset. Anyways, the debt...he said it's all Bush's fault after he inherited a seven trillion deficit and made it fourteen trillion. He doubled it! He didn't make it any better at all.

Now with Obama's war on coal, natural gas, etc. Basically, he and the rest of his environmentalists are so concerned about the Earth, they want us to live in the stone age. Psychological studies proved that the benefit of more electricity far outweighed any health risks by pollution just because the more electricity a country produces, the less depression is there generally. Depression is MUCH worse than pollution when one looks at health risks. The will to live is a powerful thing. Depressions hurts that so much when you examine it. For another, if solar is so great, why doesn't EVERYONE have it? Why must the government subsidize it if it's so incredible and productive. Everyone in America should have a solar panel roof then.

Furthermore, military...Obama needs to put his foot down. This is an age of rapid technological advances and we must stay in the lead. Clearly, many people in the world do not like our country, and if we need to stay existent, we must spend money to keep the military up to and above par. He stopped our anti-missile defense platform, which should have been finished by now. Why is it bad, considering that it only blocks 15% of missiles? Because 15% is better than 0%. Fifty billion dollars is worth much more than the trillions it took to build New York City and Washington D.C. Plus...if we made it, we effectively block power of the entire Middle East for anything but direct attacks, and we curb Russia's power immensely.

Now onto the economy. The stimulus packages, yes Bush started it, yes they are idiotic. But it is unconstitutional for the government to seize control of companies! It is also not their job to bail out companies! From the ashes of a failed company there will be new ones to take its place. There is no such thing as "too big to fail". Ever.

The trickle down method has worked for decades. Suddenly now it wasn't good enough? Want proof it works? Go screw over the big businesses, see how many people lose their jobs. That is the trickle down method in action right now.

Now healthcare. LOOK AT EUROPE. Enough said. Ask European countries such as England, Italy, and France how their healthcare is. Or Canada. Most will say it is a crappy system. I went to France and Italy, they blatantly told us that last summer.

Side: Is obama bad
1 point

Obama is a horrible president, a reincarnation of Jimmy Carter on crack steroids. In little over 3 years he not only doubled the national deficit, but did it by more then all presidents before him combined! The Arab spring was a horrible example of Obamas incompetence in foreign policy allowing islamic extremist to take over numerous countries, add on to that foreign incompetence the mess in bengahzi where an American ambassador was killed while the CIA watched from overhead! And lets look at the horrible economic record, the longest consecutive weeks of unemployment above 8 percent since the great depression! The highest amount of people on food stamps and unemployment benefits EVER! Ramrodding in his obamacare, even though at the time the american electorate didnt want it with 3/4 margins against. Anyone could go on and on with examples of his incompetence.... but it is all bushes fault...right keep on living in half baked heaven morons!

Side: Is obama bad
1 point

Watch the news if you like him.

Side: Is obama bad
0 points

Obama is not a good presidant look at how many states want to seceed from the U.S.A and how many vacations he has gone on

Side: Is obama bad
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

Obama is not a good presidant look at how many states want to seceed from the U.S.A

So following that logic Lincoln was a bad president?

Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

States began to secede under Buchanan, who most historians agree was a terrible president for that reason. Lincoln was too, but the secession's not why.

Side: Is obama bad
nooo(128) Disputed
0 points

No that was because everyone supported slavery back then

Side: Is obama bad
0 points

he is securitly muslim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Side: Is obama bad
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

So what?

Side: or is he good
5 points

He is 'good' for the time being, if he wasn't good in the eyes of the majority of the American people he wouldn't have won the election.

If he hadn't won, Mitt Romney would be the one we'd be questioning whether he's good or bad.

Side: or is he good
nooo(128) Disputed
1 point

No the controversy started after the election and mitt Romney would go into office in January or late December

Side: Is obama bad
NateDebate(66) Disputed
4 points

There was controversy when Obama was in power for the first time.

The 'is he good or bad' question was floating about way before this recent election.

Of course, when a newcomer goes into office that question is always going to appear somewhere at some time.

Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

if he wasn't good in the eyes of the majority of the American people he wouldn't have won the election.

"Good to (this person/that person/this demographic/the majority)" also isn't the same as "good." The masses have never been arbiters of the sublime.

If he hadn't won, Mitt Romney would be the one we'd be questioning whether he's good or bad.

What does this have to do with anything? No one has implied that it's our questioning of the President's fitness for office that makes him unfit for it.

Side: Is obama bad
5 points

You don't KNOW it because Romney wasn't given the chance to even attempt to be the better of the two.

You guessed it.

Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

This doesn't seem to be an argument for either side. What's your point?

Side: Is obama bad
3 points

Haha ok. Well I didn't go down vote CRAZY, did it couple times to your comments I actually disagreed with. You however went on a down vote rampage and took me right back down to 0 points!


Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
3 points

You don't downvote for disagreement. You downvote for fallacious and insubstantial arguments. Obviously we all disagree with one another; we're on a debating website.

Side: Is obama bad
nooo(128) Disputed
1 point

Me too well the ones you were talking about obama i down voted

Side: Is obama bad
2 points

Obama has been a good president of USA. He has relaunched the American economy with his economic choices, like the rescue of automotive industry (you must see the situation of Chrysler). Then he finished a war and he is finishing an other war. He has wanted to invest in public health, which now all people can cure their self with. Finally, he has recovered the USA's image in the world with his leadership.

Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

He has relaunched the American economy

The economy under Obama, by nearly every measure, has gotten worse.

like the rescue of automotive industry

As the expense of the rest of the country. And look how well Detroit's doing! President Obama sure picked them up by their bootstraps.

Then he finished a war

Are you referring to the ongoing insurgency in Iraq?

and he is finishing an other war.

And starting up anywhere from two to six more, depending on your definitions.

He has wanted to invest in public health, which now all people can cure their self with.

Nice idea, terrible application.

Finally, he has recovered the USA's image in the world with his leadership.

Europeans will always think of themselves as superior to us, just as Americans will always think the same of ourselves. Nationalism is popular pretty much everywhere except Germany.

Side: Is obama bad
andpre(12) Disputed
1 point

1) The American economy this years will grow by 2%. It is emerging from recession.

2) Obama rescued Chrysler with taxpayers' money but then he sold it recovering money. Chrysler wasn't a present for FIAT. FIAT bought it from USA.

3) Obama withdrew USA's troops from Iraq. And then since 2014 the Afghan National Army is regaining control of Afghanistan.

4) The USA's image today isn't an image of an arrogant and overbearing nation but an image of a nation where all is possible if you are talented.

Side: or is he good
1 point

Well, Of course he is bad. But I don't seem to remember a time when there was ever a president (bar a few long ago) that were good. Clinton, Kennedy, Nixon, Bush e.t.c. He is a damned side better than Romney though! But his whole "Assassinate Americans abroad" thing and the whole business with Guantanamo is not cool.

Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

I don't get this whole thing with starting your argument with the actual words, "He is bad," and trying to spin your argument into a positive. The resolution doesn't ask whether he's bad "compared to..." or with any qualifiers at all. It simply asks whether he's good. And, as this fellow wrote a few months back, I refuse to accept a murderer as the lesser of two evils.

Side: Is obama bad
1 point
Side: or is he good
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

In what way?

Side: Is obama bad
Elvira(3441) Disputed
0 points

All of them.

Side: or is he good
1 point

To me I think we can get some where in the economy with him as president because I can see hope in him and that our votes were all counted for. So that is why Obama won in the first place because the people believed in him

Side: or is he good
1 point

When Obama was elected president, USA was already in a crisis. He did not get USA into the crisis, but he is improving.

Side: or is he good
bemagic15(530) Disputed
1 point

took him four years to get us up to 8 percent

Side: Is obama bad
1 point

He is good, but if i had to go back and start all over again, i would've picked Mccain.

Side: or is he good

He is a good President who is inclusive of all and he has the respect from most of the world.

Side: or is he good
0 points

Better then Romney.

Side: or is he good
nooo(128) Disputed
2 points

we don't know that

Side: Is obama bad
1 point

And luckily we never will.

Side: or is he good
2 points

Exactly, better than Romney.

In the opinion of 60+ million people (and mine) which is why I'm supporting the he is good side.

However, doesn't necessarily mean he's 'good' but good for the position out of the available choices.

Side: or is he good
1 point

its your opinion not mine

Side: Is obama bad
Assface(398) Disputed
1 point

You're exactly right. "Good in comparison" isn't the same thing as "good," especially when the thing you're drawing the comparison to is a figment of your imagination.

Side: Is obama bad