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 Our State's freedoms under attack by the Left, the media, the courts & now our sports! (3)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Our State's freedoms under attack by the Left, the media, the courts & now our sports!

How does the most free nation give up it's freedoms so easily to Big Government? We are witnessing before our eyes how Big Brother does it.

They do it with the appointments of activist judges whereby your State will be sued if you try to keep your laws protecting the privacy of women in their bathrooms.

They do it with money by denying your State the funds from concerts or sporting events that help your economy.

They do it with lies and deceptions by exaggerating and distorting the laws of your State protecting your citizens.

They do it with corrupt liars running for President whereby Hillary calls millions of Americans deplorable and irredeemable when they don't agree with her politics.

It's all about divide and conqueor. Pit Americans against each other for political gain.

The N.B.A decided to strip North Carolina of their all star game because North Carolina had the nerve to protect women's privacy in their bathrooms. The Left lied and distorted the entire argument, by saying N.C. wanted to deny LGBT people normal rights.


We are witnessing Big brother in action. They use big money sports or concerts to FORCE AMERICANS TO THINK LIKE BIG BROTHER! If you refuse, you will be bankrupted!

No longer freedom to dissagree with big Government. YOU MUST THINK AS THE COMMUNE TELLS YOU TO THINK!

Now we are seeing our national anthem under seige from these radical extremists. There is no end to their extremism when it comes to Big brother Transforming America to their narrow closed minded intolerant ideology.

If Big brother does not like a community's freedom to display a nativity scene celebrating our Christian history and heritage on pubic grounds, then they twist our laws to censor it.

If Big Brother wants to force every public State to allow boys in girls locker rooms, then they CREATE laws to make it happen.

You see, only the Left has the right to not be offended by something as innocent as a nativity scene, but when it comes to our girls and women's right's to privacy in their bathrooms, you have no rights. To Big Brother, the fact that you are offended makes you a transgenderphobe, or homophobe, etc. etc.

Do you see the double standarrd? Do you see the hypocrisy?

We are in a culture war and America's freedoms are on the line. All American's freedoms! If a Government can become extremely iberal and activist, they can also go just the opposite way. You should possess the simple common sense to understand it can work both ways and why our States deserve their freedoms to dissagree with Big brother Collective.

Trump hates this radical political correctness whereby we are all forced to think as one collective. Lets try and stop the madness from the left. What have we got to lose? If you possess the least amount of intellect, you must see we are moving in the WRONG DIRECTION!
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2 points

How does the most free nation give up it's freedoms so easily to Big Government?

Just tell them you want small government. They vote for you and you can expand government.

Wait a second, he is claiming that states are under attack by a private organization's desire to no longer associate with a state due to policies that are causing tangible harm to private companies.

Is he insinuating that private companies no longer have freedom of association?

1 point

Those who REALLY champion smaller government are the same ones who want less regulation. Less regulation means they want the "right" to dump toxic waste where it's "convenient" and cheap. They don't want "regulations" that cause them to spend money to prevent the pollution of our water (as in Flint), to prevent pollution of the air (their) "precious grandchildren" breath (the ones they want to protect from becoming "gay"). The same ones that want to have a pure Christian country, or, at least run it with Christian laws only. They want to let the banks run wild, as they did during the Bush years. They want each state to have the "right" to circumvent any National Law they don't wish to follow. They want oil pumps in our National Parks, no "regulations" against killing endangered species.

The most powerful among these people are filthy rich, want to become richer, and have a smaller government that THEY, with their money (power), can control much easier. Control VOTING much easier because of less regulation. Keep those pesky "lefties" out of the way (that REALLY want to protect their [including THEIR] grandchildren!) They want to "straighten out" the courts so that it's even MORE "better to be rich and guilty, than poor and innocent"! Pay the same tax rate poorer Americans pay (but be able to LOOK like they pay them any way)! Yeah, the old oligarchy they had back in the old Cleveland / McKinley days! NO wretched minimum wage (if you don't want to work for what we pay we'll pick up somebody on the street corner that WILL)!

Our NATIONAL freedoms are under attack by the RIGHT, the right wing media (bought and payed for by the Oligarch wanna-be's)! The courts? Sports? If they can make money without paying exorbitant sports wages, wouldn't these people, without regulation and control of the courts, bring back the Roman Gladiators?? It's much HEALTHIER to be attacked by the LEFT than the RIGHT! Those that don't give a DAMN for anything but MONEY, and the RIGHT to destroy whatever THEY wish to destroy as long as it is profitable!

Proud to be a "leftie"! (Who wants to KEEP America great)!