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PS3 XBox360
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 PS3 (3)
 XBox360 (1)

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PS3 is Far better than the Xbox 360

Is the Xbox Overall betetr than the PS3?


Side Score: 4
Winning Side!


Side Score: 1
2 points

Lets first look at processing power

The XBox Has 3 Cores that run 3.2Ghz

The PS3 has 6 Cells that run 3.2Ghz

More processing power - also means higher graphics (without blur) and shorter load screens.

Lets now look at the GPU,

the Xbox runs a Xenos GPU (core speed of 500MHz with 50 pixel pipelines.)

The PS3 Runs on a Reality Synthesizer (core speed of 550MHz and 24 pixel pipelines.)

The xenos is slightly more powerful than the Synthesizer but games reley on the CPU more than the GPU.

Hardrive Capability's: (mid models)

The ps3 has a 60gb SATA 2.5 HDD, this is a laptop HDD which is fully upgradable.

The Xbox HDD is 20gb, only 16gb for use and is not upgradable.

This makes the PS3 47gb bigger and has alot faster reading due to serial ata tech.

now what about the RAM?

The 360 features a 512mb RAM - 700MHz

all of this RAM can be accessed by the CPU and GPU

The PS3 has two RAM sets, One for CPU and one for GPU, they both add up to 512mb, the GPU's alone RAM is clocked at 1.3GHz... THAT'S NEARLY TWICE AS FAST!

How bout the usb ports?

The PS3 has 4 USB ports found at the front of the console.

The "360" has 3, 2 in front and 1 in the back.


The single fact that The Xbox 360 has a failure rate of 33% is a good reason not to buy it. My Xbox has never failed but many of my friend's have.

The PS3 has a failure rate of .2%

Statistics alone say that the PS3 is 150 times more reliable than the Xbox.

Games: (i will line up the famous ones)


Grand Turismo HD

Resistance fall of man

Kill Zone 2

Xbox 360:

Forza 2

Halo 3

Gears Of War

They both have a great line up and by my personal opinion they are equal.


The PS3 BlueRay Disk have a capacity of 50Gb, While the Xbox DVDs have a Capacity of 9Gb

Which means more potential for PS3 Games.

I rest My case

Side: Vote For PS3
1 point

i am an xbox fan but i have always loved the playstation consoles more than anything else. i love the button layout so much better than xbox and its a lot easier in my opinion. plus you have to pay for xbox live where as it is free for playstation.

Side: Vote For PS3
1 point

well, the only game i want from 360 is Gears of War (Bioshock is going to PS3). and possibly Left for Dead, but we'll see.

PS3 has

Killzone 2

Ratchet and Clank

Metal Gear Solid 4

so at least for me, PS3 is better. depends on what you like more (games wise).

Side: PS3
1 point

The Xbox 360 is better simply because it has sold more units. Now, it's not the number of units sold itself that makes it better, it's the effects that selling so many units have, and there are two main benefits.

1. Developers

Game developers (for the most part) care a LOT about money. If one console is outselling the other, and that console can support their game, they're going to produce games on that console. This in turn brings about better and more game developers, a huge benefit for the Xbox 360. Sure, it doesn't have the hardware that the PS3 has, but does that really matter when you have games like Fable 2, Gears of War 2, and Halo Wars? Nope. There's also the fact that it's significantly easier to program games on the Xbox 360 than it is to program games on the PS3 (something else that attracts developers).

2. Online Gaming

One of the main selling points of the Xbox 360 (and the best part about it in my opinion) is Xbox Live. There are a huge number of people that own the Xbox 360, and a good portion of them have Xbox Live. Xbox Live is streamlined, easy to use, and widespread. The online capabilities far outmatch the PS3's at this time, and that's a very large benefit.

Side: XBox360