
Debate Info

Polytheism Monotheism
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:15
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 Polytheism (4)
 Monotheism (5)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Polytheism vs. Monotheism

Note that I did not (and will not tolerate the inclusion of) atheism.


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 5
2 points

The Hebrews were like totally into poly-everything. Polyandry. Polytheism, Polyunsaturated fats, polywanna cracker...

Then that dick Yahweh cracked down. "No other gods before me" and stuff. Which, if you think about it, that commandment makes no sense if there is only one god. So even that Yahweh guy was a polytheist -- he just didn't want them others in his posse.

Side: Polytheism
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
0 points God_Is_Not_Gods_Name

As a dispute, I recommend you to read the debate betwixt Lawnman and myself.

Side: Monotheism

The thing about Polytheism that I like is that it's kinda like having a Mom and Dad. If Dad says, "No!" Then you can still go ask Mom. Just don't get caught playing that game ;)

Side: Polytheism

I wasn't going to comment until I saw that I would not be tolerated.

Side: atheism
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

What a childish act of rebellion. And I'll bet you did it with a smirk.

Side: Monotheism

Oh hell yeah, I'm still smirking. .

Side: atheism

Hey! I responded to your "Efficacy of Science" debate, but nobody else did, not even you.

Side: Monotheism
1 point

I prefer the idea of the ancient Greek and Roman gods, at least they where having fun! screwing humans and having half breed kids, getting drunk and making mistakes, fighting among themselves.

MAYBE they did exist but our lack of belief killed them off and we only have the boring one left who treats us like little kids..?!?

As a wise man once said; "man created the gods and can just as easily destroy them with the simple act of disbelief"

Side: Polytheism
1 point

Are there multiple Gods? If so, which one (or ones) created human beings? Which ones judge us? Which ones should we strive to please?

Even if there are more than one god, it would be pointless to build a lifestyle around a polytheistic religion because you would have no way of pleasing every single one of your gods. Unless, of course, the gods all have the same opinions and viewpoints and are unified in spirit; in which case, they are, for all intents and purposes, one god.

Side: Monotheism