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 Progressive Barbara Boxer wants to abolish the Electoral College (8)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Progressive Barbara Boxer wants to abolish the Electoral College

Outgoing California Senator Barbara Boxer has introduced a bill into congress that would abolish the electoral college.Many Democrats have urged that the Electoral College be abandoned following Hillary Clinton’s general election loss to Donald Trump.Her bill calls for an amendment to the Constitution that would end the Electoral College system. Should such a thing pass, the amendment would only take effect if ratified by three-fourths of the states within seven years after its passage in the U.S. Congress.Said Boxer in a statement - "The Electoral College is an outdated, undemocratic system that does not reflect our modern society, and it needs to change immediately."

 “He’s fine with the system when he wins the primary, but now he’s pre-emptively claiming precinct-level fraud?” said Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, calling Mr. Trump’s language “unambiguously racist, but also absurd, ludicrous and pathetic.”

Seems the Progressives have become absurd and pathetic when it comes to a loss and Barbara Boxer is leading the cause.

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2 points

It is for the reptilian Progressive Barbara Boxer to slink off into retirement. She is not all about the election process unless it works in the favor of the Shrinking Progressive Party.

This is what Democrats do to win elections.

They refuse to pass voter id laws that would help guarantee there is no fraud in our elections.

They allow illegal immigrants for future low income votes.

They have created a huge voting block of dependent minorities living in the big cities and thereby creating a popular vote that excedes the electoral vote.

This is what Democrats are doing to this nation and why we are going bankrupt. They are creating a social welfare voting block on the backs of those rural working class voters, simply to get elected. They are truly traitors to this nation's people other than their minority and socialist voting blocks.

Taxation without representation.

This election showed just how angry the working class people are against this extreme ideological Party.

1 point

So do I. The election should have been decided the popular vote.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Then you don't agree with the election process that elected Obama twice ?

1 point

Obama is awesome, but I still oppose the electoral vote................................

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

When has a presidential election been decided by the popular vote and not the electoral college ?

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I don't know..........................................................................

1 point

She's not the only one who thinks the Electoral College is obsolete and has long since outlived its usefulness.

And, as I explained to you in a previous post, the reasons for which the EC was originally instilled by the Founding Fathers are not longer viable. They have not been for almost a century.

Political Scientists and even many politicians have been talking about doing away with the EC ever since Bush stole the election 16 years ago. So don't make it sound like all of a sudden Boxer is whining for it just because her party lost. That is a very unfair and misleading claim.

Then again, those types of claims are usually the only type you make. And I continually point this out to you, and also bust-up your posts, but you don't seem like you want to learn anything.

Which is a shame. This site can be a valuable learning tool. That is, for those who WANT to learn and not just have a place to rant.