
Debate Info

Hacker Glitch
Debate Score:48
Total Votes:57
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 Hacker (11)
 Glitch (9)

Debate Creator

Del1176(4975) pic

RandomDude is either a hacker or there is a major glitch.

WTF IS WITH HIM BEING HIS OWN ALLY TWICE (I clicked both the angry bird pics and they both lead to his profile).


Side Score: 25


Side Score: 23
Hellno(17724) Banned
3 points

Houston, we have a problem.

(or this is just another Prodigee photoshop)

Side: Hacker
MrWrong(35) Disputed Banned
1 point

You meanie! Prodigee never did anything wrong in fact, he is trying to crackdown on a serious problem on the website. >:(

Side: Glitch
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
1 point

You've been a member of this site for less than a hour... thanks for your opinion.

Side: Hacker
2 points

what the hell you jerk! i thought we were friends?

Side: Hacker

It's not much of a hack. Just enter the address below into your browser with your user name at the end of it <-- Insert your user name here

Side: Hacker
1 point

Lol @ "RandomHackerDude" It's okay if you can't win, "cheat", that's what I was always told lol, good thing I never followed that advice, but It looks like you have : )

Side: Hacker
3 points

Dude stop being a jerk to randomdude he hasn't done anything to you, he made a lot of enemies in the past when he couldn't control his anger, you piss everyone off on purpose, of course you guys have a lot of common enemies...

Side: Glitch
Sinknight(518) Disputed
3 points

But isn't it obvious, Zephyr. RandomDude supports Prodigee and vice versa. They like each others points after every argument. Prodigee once told me in a debate that he likes his arguments to increase his points but you can't like your own comments someone else has too (which would be RandomDude and the debate is about tolerance, look it up on the site.) RandomDude and Prodigee had a consecutive conversation stating that the two had "common enemies" on Ismaila's debate about her being a better person. My final decision, in all this drama, is that RandomDude and Prodigee are the same people, the evidence just stacks up.

Although, I don't believe RandomDude is a hacker nor glitch. I am disputing you because I think you have the wrong view of RandomDude

Side: Hacker
3 points

oh that, never mind that just go back about your debating

Side: Glitch
1 point

Probably just, that he accidentally made them and didn't notice it.

Side: Glitch
RandomDude(1286) Disputed
2 points

what? what does that even mean? MrRight? sounds like a fake account to me

Side: Hacker
MrRight(67) Clarified
1 point

I don't know who you are I just thought you accidentally made em why do you have too be so offensive.

Side: Hacker
MrWrong(35) Banned
1 point

Its because it is a fake account, dummy. Oh wait, the secret is out!

Side: Hacker
1 point

i just don't like calling people hackers unless they doit to get something from what they are hacking

Side: Glitch
1 point

i just don't like calling people hackers unless they doit to get something from what they are hacking

Side: Glitch