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 Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee claims AR-15's are as heavy as 10 boxes (2)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee claims AR-15's are as heavy as 10 boxes

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has endured criticism after claiming that AR-15's weigh as much as 10 moving boxes. It's hard to know how much an AR-15 weighs for sure, of course, as popular hate and white supremacy rifle attachments weigh a variable amount. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is not aware of rifle attachments and the variable weight of the attachments. 
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1 point

Jackson Lee seemed to be unaware that AR-15's also do not shoot .50 caliber bullets but actually fire off tactical nukes with each pull of the trigger.

1 point

I think that only people who want to ban guns should be allowed to have guns.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Those that want to ban guns are protected by guns. Pay no attention to that.