
Debate Info

He's guilty as sin They can't lay a hand on him
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 He's guilty as sin (5)
 They can't lay a hand on him (5)

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excon(18262) pic

Republicans found Trump innocent twice. This time he's gonna be tried by all Americans.

He's guilty as sin

Side Score: 6

They can't lay a hand on him

Side Score: 5
1 point
Side: He's guilty as sin
1 point

How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese

Side: He's guilty as sin
1 point

He's guilty as sin

I'm waiting for a Democrat to successfully articulate exactly what Trump is guilty of and why I should care if he's far better for our wallets and markets than the stammering moron in office currently.

Side: He's guilty as sin
1 point

You've said this for 5 years, and nothing ever happens. You'd think you'd stop listening to whomever your news sources are seeing they are never right.

Side: They can't lay a hand on him
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

You've said this for 5 years, and nothing ever happens


Well, this is simple.. For 4 of those years, the only avenue for redress was impeachment, with the SENATE being the triers of fact. And, the Republican senate, not surprisingly, didn't convict him.

This time, he's gonna be tried in multiple jurisdictions, with CITIZENS in the jury box, NOT just Republicans. He's being investigated by the state of Georgia, the state of New York, the City of New York, the congress of the United States, and one would think the Justice Department is too, but they're being tight lipped about it..

Now, Trump is slippery, and he may avoid all of that. But, I don't think so.


Side: He's guilty as sin
1 point

Only Excon would use an Israeli symbol while telling us how shitty Israel is.

Side: They can't lay a hand on him
1 point

And, the Republican senate, not surprisingly, didn't convict him.

Hello again:

Lemme restate that.. In fact, I WAS surprised that the senate didn't convict him.. His guilt was NEVER in doubt, but for whatever reason, the congress fell under his spell and let him off.

Oh, Trump will be brought to justice.. It's like Joseph McCarthy.. He had the congress SOOOO afraid that if they attacked him, he'd label them a communist. So, they hid out and shut up. But, he finally got called out, and it was OVER. And it was over in ONE day.

Our present day spinless Republicans are SOOO afraid that Trump'll call 'em a RINO and will primary them, that they're hiding out and shutting up.

But, SOME stood for the Constitution.. Never thought I'd be cheering for Liz Cheney to save the Republic, but I am!


Side: They can't lay a hand on him
Number13(143) Disputed
2 points

His guilt was NEVER in doubt, but for whatever reason, the congress fell under his spell and let him off.

Guilt for what exactly?

Side: He's guilty as sin
1 point

In the eyes of the left, "Guilty for treasonous abuse of power" along with a whole bunch of lies they've fabricated against him, even though all Trump did was his duty as President to communicate and diplomatically negotiate with other countries. Trump has done more positive deeds for the country then biden has. While Biden has driven the country into chaos which is negative.

"Yes well done Biden, you are an anarchistic president; the worst of all in history."

Biden has done nothing more then make the United States of America worse.

Side: They can't lay a hand on him
1 point

He is clearly innocent. The left is clearly fabricating evidence against Trump. They cannot win. The FBI broke into his home, finding no evidence of such accusations. Rather, the FBI have failed to pursue the real perpetrators because they have been bribed and overtaken by those corruptive individuals responsible. It's House of Cards all over again.

Side: They can't lay a hand on him