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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Robbing + Flashmob = Flashrobs: Are You Afraid of This New Trend?

Smash and grab. Run and gun. Shoplifting. There are many ways to pull off retail theft. But some enterprising thieves in D.C. are using the Internet to coordinate their jobs.



Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6
3 points

Yes, this really does worry me. Not just because of the common group of thugs, but because terrorists can use it to their advantage. Just imaging the possibilities!

Side: yes
3 points

It worries me only that these stupid bastards think they can try this. Do it around me and at least 15 of these "innocent youths" are getting shot.

Side: No

Any fools who try this are merely asking to flipped onto their back. If people start randomly gathering and dancing, would that not be a clue to get out of there? Even if they were not there to attempt to rob people others should have the common sense to leave.

Side: No

As such a thing is not occurring where I live, no I am not. Though applying it to anywhere my answer is still no. You can easily put up signs stating that they may not "flash mob." Also include the consequence of the local police being called to break it up and arrest any who are caught with stolen material.

Side: No