
Debate Info

Hero Villain
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:31
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 Hero (8)
 Villain (6)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Robin Hood: Hero or Villain?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 12
3 points

A hero to those oppressed by the tyranny of a Republican Congress. A land where Democrats where not allowed. A government that took from the poor and gave to the rich, one man fought back. Robin Hood and his band of merry men, an outcast Democrat took arms against the injustice. Gave back to the people what few did hoard. The rich now hostile, the poor now able to get by. A hero of humanity, a Democrat.

Side: Hero
4 points

If you think that Democrats really represent the interests of the public or middle class, you are sadly mistaken.

Obama received over 900,000 from Goldman Sachs or $701,290 from Citigroup or $695,132 from JPMorgan Chase in campaign contributions. Campaign Contributions

All of which is targeting for financial reform.

As for Robin Hood, he was a villain who broke the law.

Side: Villain
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
2 points

You need to find out how much these companies gave to the Republican party as well. All major companies contribute to both parties. It is not always an even amount, but they do this to buy a voice in the government regardless of who wins. Often these contributions are hidden from the general public by means of affiliated companies of the parent corporation.

Please list the source of this information, it probably came from a Republican propaganda campaign. It might be true and it might not, it is not relevant anyway. It doesn't matter because money was donated to the other party as well.

Side: Hero
3 points

villain is more of a moral term then a legal term. so in theory, robin hood took money from the rich who were stealing it, and gave it to the poor. he was by definition, a criminal, but not a villain

Side: Hero
3 points

Since the rich were stealing from the poor, stealing back from them was heroic.

As someone else said, he may have been a criminal, but not a villain. Besides, some laws are made to be broken.

Side: Hero
2 points


'Nuff Sed.

Side: Hero
2 points

I presume that the warrant for those supporting the argument that Robin Hood was a villain is that making people causing people to suffer is wrong, and that their argument is "stealing makes people suffer, therefore Robin Hood's actions are wrong". Under that same warrant, my rebuttal is that the rich can end the poor's suffering by helping them, therefore by not helping they cause the poor to continue to suffer, thus making the rich the villains. Additionally, I propose that those Robin Hood stole from did not suffer from their loss, and therefore Robin Hood's actions were not wrong.

Side: Hero

Hero, of course. Didn't he steal from the rich to give to the poor?

Side: Hero

Robin Hood is a hero because of his compassion to rob from the rich and give to the poor.

Side: Hero

I hate it when I come to debates like this one and I'm like, "Where the hell is the bleeding heart liberal option?" So I'm forced to pick villain ;)

Side: Villain
2 points

Well stealing is pretty high up there on the list of immoral things to do in society. And even if the rich deserved to be robbed, it doesn't make it right. ;)

Side: Villain
2 points

However noble his goals were - steal from the rich and give to the poor - that does not make thievery an act of heroism.

Side: Villain