
Debate Info

Yes, they should No, they should not
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:9
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 Yes, they should (4)
 No, they should not (3)

Debate Creator

Trixie(41) pic

Robots should take jobs from human beings

What counts as robots?

Yes, they should

Side Score: 4

No, they should not

Side Score: 3
1 point

unless you have humans that can do a better job than robots. humans should be smarter than robots.

Side: Yes, they should
-1 points

Hello T:

Should or shouldn't has NOTHING to do with it.. Robots WILL take jobs from human beings.. That's EXACTCLY why we build them.


Side: No, they should not
SneakyPickle(12) Disputed
1 point

Should or shouldn't has NOTHING to do with it.. Robots WILL take jobs from human beings.. That's EXACTCLY why we build them.

How do you think capitalism will remain when no one can get a job? We will have to change the system right?

Side: Yes, they should
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

How do you think capitalism will remain when no one can get a job? We will have to change the system right?

Hello SP:

Nahhh… Freeing ourselves from the factory floor doesn't mean the work is done.. Oh, the heavy, dirty, dangerous work is done, and, that's VERY good for us. But there's plenty left to do.. It'll probably involve a lot of thinking.. Surely, you admit people are paid to think, don't you?


Side: No, they should not
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hello T:

Should or shouldn't has NOTHING to do with it.. Robots WILL take jobs from human beings.. That's EXACTCLY why we build them.


But STUPOR STUPID did a SOCIALIST government build the ROBOTS ???????????

Side: Yes, they should
Trixie(41) Disputed
1 point


ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, we build them to develop our modern science, inventions and technology! Duh

Ever done a 'Im not a robot 'test before? These dump robots can't figure out the difference between bus and non-bus, so THERE.

Side: No, they should not