
Debate Info

Yes, this really works! No, I don't believe in it.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:23
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 Yes, this really works! (7)
 No, I don't believe in it. (2)

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tilessova(25) pic

SPEED DATING: Can you find "Mr or Mrs Right" on this meeting?

Finding a prospective partner is not an easy thing in our daily life. However, there are so many opportunities to find your soul mate. So one of those many options that you have is to go to the speed dating. You may have three minutes to get to know the love of your life there. The only thing you have to do is to encourage yourself to go to that 'quick-fire' dating! Who knows? What if you find your future husband or wife sitting at the one of those small tables in a line...

Yes, this really works!

Side Score: 13

No, I don't believe in it.

Side Score: 4
3 points

I think that many people have experienced and tried this way of finding their mates for some reasons. At first, I read an article about this speed dating topic and found out that most of participants really got several dates after the event. For example, Anushka went to Britain's largest speed dating evening, that took place at the bar in London and enjoyed 66 minutes she spent there. At the end of that meeting she had 4 new dates! Secondly, there are many busy men and women who don't have enough time for a slow courtship and have to look for another effective and quicker way to find a partner. That's why they use speed dating, where single people can talk for three minutes and decide whether they like that person or not.

Side: Yes, this really works!
2 points

I definitely agree that people can find their real love in a speed dating. Because sometimes we need only 1 second to fall in love with someone. Sometimes we may not know who is this person or what kind of job he/she has. We need only one moment to know "Is he/she a right person to us. Then I believe that it helps a lot of couples to meet each other and will help in future. We can't wait for our right person everyday. We just need to go to speed dating and seek for him.

Side: Yes, this really works!
2 points

After I spent the better part of my afternoon researching this heavy topic, I found, in a Huffington Post Quicklink, that 1 out of 3 people find their "Mr or Mrs Right" throughout speed dating. Here is the article for any further information.

Supporting Evidence: Speed dating: Yes or No? (
Side: Yes, this really works!

Well, I have never really done speed dating, but usually I know right away if we click and if it's mutual. Body language says a lot. If I don't get a certain vibe within the first 30 seconds, chances are it's not going to happen.

Side: Yes, this really works!
1 point

You are absolutely right, because you always feel if you like the person or not at once. Your body tells you that ;)

Side: Yes, this really works!
1 point

Yes, there are tons of dating sites where you can find yourself a one-night stand. If you are still interested in this topic, you can click here to get more information about it. Thanks to this online dating site, you will be able to make the right decision and choose the right site. I hope you will enjoy it as well.

Side: Yes, this really works!
0 points

I think it could work, but you will definitely need to be cautious until,you get to know them better.

Side: Yes, this really works!

My wife refuses to allow me to participate in this speed dating thing. She said it would be extremely detrimental to my health ;)

Side: No, I don't believe in it.
2 points

Can you find "Mr or Mrs Right" on this meeting?

Well let's see..... I see Joe, Andy and a couple dudes I don't know so.... No! Doesn't look like I'll be meeting Mrs Right on this meeting.... maybe next time?

Side: No, I don't believe in it.