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Debate Score:17
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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Should Certain Prisoners be Shot?

When I say 'certain prisoners', I am of course referring to those who have done exceedingly bad things in their life, such as rape, mass murder, not voting for Boris Johnson, etc. 


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 8
2 points

If you've done something that bad, then you deserve it. I would rather be spending taxes on a bullet for someone who has done a horrible crime than paying for their food, entertainment, lifestyle, etc., for the rest of their life.

Side: Yes
1 point

Shooting is too good for some crimes - If it could be shown that state executions saved lives then is it self defence?

Side: Yes
Cuaroc(8829) Banned
2 points

You are quite the hypocrite .

Side: Yes
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified Banned
1 point

Aren't you one of Mic's puppet account ?

Side: Yes
1 point

yes i think that if there is a criminal that did something crazy like rape, or mass murder than yes they should totally be shot because its just a horrible thing to do & if they somehow escaped than it could take another 5 years to catch them they need to be shot so we can make sure that the streets are safe & hopefully if people find out that they start doing that then maybe the crime rate would go down.

Side: Yes
LatvianGuy(2) Disputed
1 point

Well, if it can be proven, that keeping that person alive puts other people in danger, I gues I would justify killing him.

But other than that, my view remains the same. A life sentence should be the max sentence. I don't belive in death as a form of punishment. It is immoral.

Side: No
1 point

I'm not really all that "down with the pre-2000's BC barbarians" you know. So I think punishment should be proportional to the amount of harm caused and you can't really kill someone as punishment for rape. If you know what I mean. You are a pretty disturbed person for someone with a puppy as an avatar by the way.

Side: No
1 point

(Except for that Boris Johnson thing), I think that they should shoot people that committed all the things up in the description.

Side: Yes
1 point

yes some people are like animals and deserve to be slaughtered like animals

Side: Yes
1 point

Who are we to judge who deserves death? Some that live deserve death, some that died deserve life. We can not give life to the dead, that deserve it, so we should not deal out death on judgement, but only out of necesity. If the person is in custody, he is no longer a danger to anyone. Our concerns should not reach beyond that.

Side: No
1 point

Some that live deserve death

thats a pretty major judgement

Side: Yes
liebay673(100) Clarified
2 points

well in a way its true if they live after doing something like that they should deserve to die.

Side: Yes
liebay673(100) Clarified
1 point

not necessarily just because a person is in custody doesn't mean they can't escape. it is possible however very unlikely for someone to escape from prison, or wherever they are.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think taking away their lives isn't going to help vague away his crime. If for religious countries I think it should be so because they believe in Heaven and Hell and when you kill him you will let him go to hell. Sorry if my english was better I could describe it more precisly but now I don't really know how to put my thoughts on paper the point of me is:

- Don't you take away their live, putting him in jail for his whole live will make him suffer instead of just taking away his life.

Side: No
1 point

A hanging is the best most quickest way to do it. But it seems barbaric to society, so nobody wants to do it. Lethal injection if I'm not mistaken can actually be painful.

If you're talking about making people suffer because they committed exceptionally heinous crimes.. nah. I think we're past that.

Side: No
1 point

More than one person is guilty of murder.

If we shoot them, aren't WE no better than THEM?

Shooting them is murder, whether they deserve it or not.

Therefore, if we shoot every murderer that comes into our prisons, we would be just as much a murderer as they are.

And, if we were following the same logic as what made us kill them, wouldn't WE deserve to be shot as well? And the people who shot us? Basically, I think it would just be un-productive to shoot them. If they're mentally unstable, get them on meds. If they had childhood trauma, get them a therapist. In my opinion, it's better to FIX a problem rather than just shoot at it.


However, I'm not sure how I feel on the whole rape side of that question. I don't think anyone deserves to be SHOT, but at the same time, rape is a fucking TERRIBLE thing.

Side: No

I support the death penalty for prisoners who can not be rehabilitated, yet, wasting that money on guns and bullets would not be better than the current issue.

Side: No

That would be wrong! The Death Penalty is cruel punishment.

Side: No