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Should Christians be less concered about Gay Marriage and more so about GMO food

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Not really. GMO's arent that huge. Well genetically modified organisms can be beneficial but they have to keep them captive. Christians arent exactly focused on GMO's.

1 point

Lol, GMOs are going to reduce the population by about 70% in the next 15 years

2 points

Can you send me a link to that? I know we do this to Tuna. I havent heard of too many besides plants and some mammals.

1 point

Why would this be a religious issue. Where in the bible dose it say thaw shall not genetically enhance thine food?

link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

If you're going to give me the issue about how it's not in the bible then you're in for a rough surprise. I not being a christian and refuting the bible as the word of god can tell you that it is impossible for something of the sort to be in the bible because G.M is a new science and not even the all powerful god could have seen this one coming. And this show's too much reliance on something man made as something divine. However, these GMO's go against God creation. They are unnatural and if they were allowed to reproduce in the wild they would kill everything. That is the reason christians oppose gay marriage, why not GMO's?

Not to mention the leader of GM is monsanto and they false advertise and hide the fact that their products can kill you (all on record) and then have everyone tell you it's good for you (all in the name of making a dollar) and breaks the commandment "Thou shalt not kill".

warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Well you could make that argument and it might work in some cases but it will definetlly take a back seat as long as gay marriage and abortion remain up in the air though. If it makes you feel better I oppose GMOs

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

Interesting hypothesis but not all Christians are anti science and some support or oppose things citing religion as a reason even when it is not in the Bible. I think this is more of a world health issue rather than a religious one.

More Christians are anti gay then anti science, depending on what you mean.

1 point

I'm not saying that Christians should be opposed to science. Science is good. It's when it's pseudo-science engineered to kill everyone quietly so that an old chemical company can keep making money. infact everyone should be up in arms about this stuff.

True, I don't know enough about this issue. Could you give me a link? How does it kill?

1 point

I completely agree with the statement posed. Genetically modified organisms can be very dangerous for the plant and the people living in it. This should take priority.