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Debate Score:110
Total Votes:117
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Should Gay Marriage be Illegal?


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 91
1 point

Romans 1:26 and Leviticus 20:13 both strongly argue against sodomite marriage. It is also a well known fact that sodomites live 20 years shorter and carry a variety of diseases such as AIDS which is and was killing off the Homosexual population. It is also against nature. It also is a slippery slope to polygamy and incest and other perversions.

Side: Yes
J-Roc77(70) Disputed
6 points

Lets take this point by point since you keep throwing this out here since you came in.

1:26 and Leviticus 20:13 both strongly argue against sodomite marriage.

Aside from the issue of cherry picking only portions of old testament you agree with (I am just going to assume that you don't condone slavery or have issues with mixed fabrics etc.) you are mixing this with new testament. But that's not the real issue here, the issue is you are arguing that a governing body should make laws respecting a religion. If you live in the states I see this as problematic.

It is also a well known fact that sodomites live 20 years shorter and carry a variety of diseases such as AIDS which is and was killing off the Homosexual population.

This one is a two parter, first off there is no reputable source that claims homosexuals live shorter spans than any other sexuality. The research that backs your claim was conducted by Paul Cameron of the family Research Institute and has been refuted due to HUGE methodological errors. For instance demographers have noted the numbers to be highly non representative of the homosexual population as Cameron's selection method is deeply flawed.

The second part of your claim is about health risks and you cite HIV/AIDS as your support. Well newsflash....straight people have HIV/AIDS too. Here is a kicker though, according to the Center for Disease Control homosexual women have less instances of STDs (including HIV) than heterosexual men and women. If your measure of this being bad is STD's then homosexual women must be left out of the equation to arrive at the same conclusion you did. Doesn't that sound like a terrible methodology? For instance if an alien race excluded all women on the planet they would conclude that all homo sapiens have a penis or if they excluded men they would assume all homo sapiens give birth. Clearly this is not an objective measure.

It is also against nature.

Petition of principle. No science supports your claim, in fact quite the opposite. Homosexual behavior has been recorded in mammals, birds, fish, insects and amphibians. This behavior is seen all throughout nature. The rebuttal to this information is usually some sort of strawman claiming something along the lines of "just because we see X does it mean we should do X" (cause and effect argument) . That totally misrepresents the claim, the claim is simply showing that homosexual behavior is seen all throughout nature. Just nipping that in the bud. If someone can't be honest about the argument presented to them they are not being honest with themselves.

If your argument is on the grounds of evolution that has been addressed too. Plenty of scholarly articles note the social structure of mammals benefiting from homosexual behavior within the group, things like increasing reproduction success in females or reducing competition within a group of offspring allowing others that share similar gene pools a better chance at finding mates while still allowing for a larger group for social support.

It also is a slippery slope to polygamy and incest and other perversions.

Your argument is a slippery slope. We draw lines at logical places all the time, why not here? Lets look at the polygamy claim, since no one else can marry more than one person no one is being discriminated against. Incest, same as polygamy. The other perversions bit will either fall in the same category as above category or fall to an issue of consent and whether someone (or thing) can give consent or not.

TLDR? Well there is your problem, you have your fingers in your ears and are refusing to look at your ideas objectively.

Side: No
1 point

Awesome answer deserving of an upvote!!

Side: No
Debaterman(59) Disputed
1 point

Aside from the issue of cherry picking only portions of old testament you agree with (I am just going to assume that you don't condone slavery or have issues with mixed fabrics etc.) you are mixing this with new testament. But that's not the real issue here, the issue is you are arguing that a governing body should make laws respecting a religion. If you live in the states I see this as problematic.

1. That is ceremonial and civil law of the old testament for the government of Israel and doesn't apply to modern day believers.

2. Why shouldn't religious laws govern a nation.

This one is a two parter, first off there is no reputable source that claims homosexuals live shorter spans than any other sexuality. The research that backs your claim was conducted by Paul Cameron of the family Research Institute and has been refuted due to HUGE methodological errors. For instance demographers have noted the numbers to be highly non representative of the homosexual population as Cameron's selection method is deeply flawed.

The second part of your claim is about health risks and you cite HIV/AIDS as your support. Well newsflash....straight people have HIV/AIDS too. Here is a kicker though, according to the Center for Disease Control homosexual women have less instances of STDs (including HIV) than heterosexual men and women. If your measure of this being bad is STD's then homosexual women must be left out of the equation to arrive at the same conclusion you did. Doesn't that sound like a terrible methodology? For instance if an alien race excluded all women on the planet they would conclude that all homo sapiens have a penis or if they excluded men they would assume all homo sapiens give birth. Clearly this is not an objective measure.

Straight people do have it best almost all have had premarital sex and other perversions and the rest are just objects of God's wrath chosen for his pleasure.

Your argument is a slippery slope. We draw lines at logical places all the time, why not here? Lets look at the polygamy claim, since no one else can marry more than one person no one is being discriminated against. Incest, same as polygamy. The other perversions bit will either fall in the same category as above category or fall to an issue of consent and whether someone (or thing) can give consent or not.

TLDR? Well there is your problem, you have your fingers in your ears and are refusing to look at your ideas objectively.

What is the problem with incest then it is "natural". They can "consent".

Side: Yes
1 point


Side: Yes
1 point

. wrong side, edit .

Side: Yes
5 points

No, and btw love the title, so tolerant of you .

Side: No
Debaterman(59) Disputed
1 point

No, and btw love the title, so tolerant of you .

What about the title is intolerant?

Side: Yes
1 point

It is intolerant to preach religious hate. You are the reason why I refuse to be religious.

Side: No
5 points

Great another Christian troll. Or is it just another Christian? Hard to tell the difference.

Side: No
Debaterman(59) Disputed
1 point

Great another Christian troll. Or is it just another Christian? Hard to tell the difference.

What makes you say that?

Lets debate first we know that

1. It is condemned in the bible

2. Homosexuality is unnatural

3. Homosexuals die 20 years younger

4. Children work better with a mom and dad

5. Homosexuals carry lots of diseases

Side: Yes
hannah165(523) Disputed
3 points

It is condemned in the bible

So is women speaking in church, eating ham, tattoos, eating seafood, mixing fabrics, shaving a beard, a woman entering a church after she just had a baby, and premarital sex.

Should we ban all of those things as well?

Homosexuality is unnatural (do you have any links for this?)

the definition of unnatural is: " not existing in nature, made or caused by humankind."

Actually, homosexuality does exist in nature. There are many same-sex couples (and a lot same sex intercourse) in the animal kingdom as well.

The male bighorn sheep bond through anal intercourse, which ends in ejaculation. If the sheep chooses not to participate, he becomes a social outcast. Bottlenose dolphins, giraffes, killer and gray whales, and a few species of manatees have all-male orgies. Certain species of primates have gay/lesbian sex very often.

Homosexuality is most definitely not an unnatural thing.

Homosexuals die 20 years younger (I don't doubt it, but could you provide a link?)

and smokers die 10 years younger than non-smokers. What's your point? Just because something is bad for someone's health, doesn't mean we can outlaw it. As long as they're aware of the health drawbacks, (which I am sure they are) we have no right to stop them from doing it.

Also, what makes you think that banning gay marriage will help this problem? I hate to break it to you, but pre-marital sex is a thing! they don't have to be married to have sex.

Children work better with a mom and dad(why? Are there studies to prove this?)

Does that mean that divorced couples should not be allowed to raise kids? how about single mothers and fathers? If this is a legitimate excuse, why are gay people the only ones getting targeted?

Also, not to be cliche here, but jesus had two dads and he was raised just fine.

Homosexuals carry lots of diseases (again, any proof?)

So do straight people. A sexual disease can be passed through any kind of intercourse, not just same-sex.

In fact, any sexually active person can catch an STD.

Side: No
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

funny how you use the bible as your #1 argument. What studies prove the other 4?

Side: No
Thejackster(518) Disputed
2 points

1. So what? It also condemns wearing clothing of mixed fabrics and divorce, yet those are legal. Also forgive me if I'm wrong, but we do have something called "separation of Church and State"

2. Well according to science it isn't, homosexuality occurs in other species of animals as well, in fact some societies of the past, such as ancient Greece, encouraged Same-sex relationships. Btw, I'm often told that God exists outside of nature, therefore does that make God unnatural?

3. Interesting, I would like to see your sources, it seems you've made a scientific breakthrough

4. Again, where are your sources?

5. So do Heterosexuals.

Side: No

No, but people who preach religious hate should be sterilized, banned from adopting, and not allowed to get married. It sucks being discriminated against, huh?

Side: No
2 points

^ Naaw, this guy is rapidly moving up my list of favourite debaters :P

Side: No

Thanks hun. I meant every word. Maybe I should mail the Vatican for fun. ;)

Side: No
1 point

I think she was already on it. lol

Side: No
RavenLily(733) Clarified
2 points

Amen! Ain't that the truth fer realz Sistarah!! .

Side: Yes
1 point

Amen! Ain't that the truth fer realz Sistarah!! . OMG, I just got the reference. LOL.

Side: Yes
2 points

Nope! I say let everyone be equally miserable if that's their choice LOL!

Side: No

Opposition to same sex marriage is usually religious in nature, and religion and government must stay separate.

Side: No
1 point

Jungelson agrees :P

Side: No

Thanks kiddo. .

Side: No
2 points

not everybody in a country belivies in this religion so why should a country follow it?

people are not used to change and when they see something different they don't like it and they react the wrong way. The gay couples are not asking for the church to acept them but insted for them to have the right to be who they choose to be and if we go back to Lincoln's speech we see that everybody se supposed to have EQUAL RIGHTS. If it is because of the church is not are job to correct them they will face their concequences afterworth.

Upon adopting it is better for them to live with people that care about them that live with people that mal threat them.

SO but yourself in that position and think about it if you were thoose people would you want it to be legal or would you want it to be illegal just because you are different?

Side: No
1 point

Yayy, a sensible person ;)

It's been too long...

Side: No
Jace(5211) Banned
1 point

The cost and effort it would take to pass a law prohibiting the marriage of cigarettes simply cannot be justified. It's not like two cigarettes could get their partnership recognized under current laws anyways.

Side: No
Debaterman(59) Disputed
1 point

The cost and effort it would take to pass a law prohibiting the marriage of cigarettes simply cannot be justified. It's not like two cigarettes could get their partnership recognized under current laws anyways.

It is talking about gay marriage.

Side: Yes
Jace(5211) Disputed Banned
1 point

No shit. Really? I had no idea. It must have been a total accident that my example was a parody of that very issue. Seriously, the money and effort that have been invested in the anti-same-sex marriage campaign are sorely misdirected considering the issues that actually need addressed. The push to make homosexual unions illegal is redundant because in every state where it has been attempted the law already excluded same-sex marriages.

Side: No
1 point

Ugh.. Why do I even bother clicking on these debates anymore...

Side: No
1 point

Something that can't exist, CANNOT be legalized or illegalized. What the gays are demanding is non existent, which is why they can't be granted it.

Side: No
1 point

What they want legalized is something that the government calls marriage and conveys with it the same rights and responsibilities that are conveyed upon what the government calls marriage between people of opposite sexes.

That is something that can exist and does exist in many places.

It is irrelevant whether gay marriage exists within your definition since what they are asking for does not presuppose your definition.

Side: No
1 point

Same sex marriage should be legal, they are still people! How would you like it if same sex marriage was normal and you weren't allowed to marry the opposite gender even though you truly love them.

What if?
Side: No
1 point

I don't find any reason for it to be Illegal.

This might sound a little old, but I strongly believe that two people who are fond of each other deserve to be with each other.Why does it matter so much to the society whether they are of the same sex or not anyways?A lot more orphaned children might get adopted and they might just get a better future.Think about it!No harm done there.

Restricting gay marriage by law is just plain bullshit.Period.

Side: No
1 point

Why did you think it might have sounded odd?? Nothing odd about that :)

Side: No
1 point

Yeah, why not

Supporting Evidence: Why shouldn't they? ;) (
Side: No

A government should think really hard before instituting laws that limit the freedom of its people, and it certainly should not violate its own laws to do so. There is simply no need to legislate marriage inequality in this sense. The only possible reason would be of religious origin. And the first amendment makes it very clear the USA is not to be a theocracy, so there we go.

Side: No

No, it doesn't do anything to anybody without their consent, two adult men or women with the psychological capacity and maturity, of the same species so they are around the same level of intellectual evolution, are agreeing to the implications of their relationship... I think illegalization should only take place is the subject is harmful or breaching of one's freedom.

Side: No
1 point

No it should not be illegal. For one who are you to say who gets marriage. I may not be gay but just because I not that way doesn't mean that I got a right to get in other people lifes. I am for all geting marriage.

Side: No
1 point

Should only men be given the right to vote? Should only white people be considered to be true humans/people? This question is basicly in that category. Homosexuals love like heterosexuals can love, we feel and breathe and exist like people do and to treat us differently because you draw issue with our sexual preference makes me sick. Why should we be denied the right and entitlement to the same marriage that heterosexuals have? Please i beg you give me a legitimate reason? Don't tell me it's unnatural because it's not, don't tell me it's wrong because it's not! If you say it is then you say love and respect is wrong and that only makes you unnatural. Fair enough if religion doesn't want to allow it but i see no legal reason for why not. Heck, i don't see why there can't be a branch of religions that allow it, how would it be worse than say the westboro baptist church or sharia law?

Side: No

No. People have the right to freedom of belief and choice. .

Side: No

Gay Marriage harms no one. Gay Marriage should be legal all around the world.

Side: No