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Debate Score:24
Total Votes:27
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JakeJ(3255) pic

Should Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich go to jail for a very long time?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 7

If what he allegedly did is true then he should go to jail for the amount of time prescribed by the law for such an offense and so should everyone else who is proved to have been a part of such a scandalous act of chicanery! Rod Blagojevich knew he was under scrutiny for other reasons the FBI had for keeping a vigilant eye. How dare he taint the name of the state of Illinois AGAIN and bring dishonor upon his own office, those in their respected offices that were in league with him and the Senate seat the President-elect had just vacated. Even his foul mouthed wife is involved in this scandal and I hope she goes right along with him to bologna sandwich heaven!

Side: Yes Yes and Yes again
3 points

Of course he should he is a criminal!

Side: yes
Loudacris(914) Disputed
0 points

In fairness, he is accused but not yet convicted. He is a defendant.

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Oh yeah, but its okay to say that George Bush is a criminal is it? no one wants to be fair then do they, lets be fair only when a democrat gets in trouble!

Side: yes

Yes, just like the previous Governors of that state.

Side: yes
1 point

Why would he not go to jail. The acts he did went against our 1st ammendment, and our privacy laws. what he did was wrong and by discriminating arabs mostly to be the main threat is not true because my dad is and he is the farthest thing from a terrorist, he belongs to be locked up like everyone else in this world would

Side: yes
1 point

should go to jail... but to be honest, it's not like it really makes a difference on how he appoints someone... really, it's not like many people would trust his judgment that much...

it's politics.

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

That doesn't matter its the law.

Side: yes
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

how long he should go away isn't concrete.

Side: No
1 point

Wouldn't losing his job, his reputation, supporters, friends and family relationships be enough punishment? IS the man REALLY a CRIMINAL? And, do the Illinois tax payers really need to pay for his jail time? I think the embarrassment and shame is enough for "Blago". He's going to be a prisoner in his own mind for a long, long time, no matter what spin he puts on the whole mess.

Side: No