
Debate Info

Yes, they should No, they shouldn't
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes, they should (1)
 No, they shouldn't (4)

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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Should Mobiles be Banned in Schools?

This is a popular debate across the whole of England. I searched it but could not find it on this website so I think  I may have missed it. This is just for the benfit of those who also missed it or want to repeat what they said for more emphasis.


The topic of this has both pros and cons. People may need phones in schools but the school doesn't want the lessons to be disturbed. So what are they to do? At a school I used to go to you had to hand your phones into reception so that they would not disturb others, but nobody really trusted the receptionists.



Yes, they should

Side Score: 1

No, they shouldn't

Side Score: 5

They are a distraction and an easy target for a student who wants to steal.

Side: Yes, they should
2 points

Phones should have to be turned off during class time, so they're not a distraction to the owner or the rest of the class. It's common courtesy to turn off your phone when you're in an audience watching a presentation (which is what classroom teaching really is), and it's common sense that when you're in class you should be focusing on your work.

I don't see why students can't use their phones in their free time at school though. It's stated as their free time, they're not getting out of campus, and they're not doing anything illegal. They're just socialising. If they rack up big phone bills at school, that's an issue for their parents to address.

Side: No, they shouldn't
1 point

Agreed, perhaps proper etiquette be taught instead of restricting them, isn’t that what schools do? Teach?

Yes, they should be able to use cell phones during free time, besides I kind of like the idea of my daughter having a way to contact me or vice versa is something comes up.

Side: No, they shouldn't
1 point

I think it is foolish to do an outright ban of cell phones. It is also not very realistic. I believe cell phones should be allowed in schools, but maybe they shouldn't be allowed to be used during class. There are also many other solutions, such as engineering a way to integrate the cell phones with the educational process.

Side: No, they shouldn't
1 point

exactly it does not makes any sense of banning the cellphones !!

b cause there's no need of inspecting a child inspite parents and elders should teach the etiquettes

Side: No, they shouldn't