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 Should Students be Given Harsher Punishments for Cell Phone Use in Class? (5)

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MacintoshSE(13) pic

Should Students be Given Harsher Punishments for Cell Phone Use in Class?

It has become rather crazy how many students constantly use their phones in class. However, by now, laws against "cruel and unusual punishment" have prevented teachers from having a powerful enough stance against this. This certainly isn't going to solve the issue, then: isn't it time for something harsher than having one's phone taken away for the rest of the day?
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2 points

Providing it didn't infringe any law, one solution would be for persistent mobile phone users to be corralled into their own classrooms where they would be free to use their phones without disrupting the learning process of their more conscientious peers. This way, those who wished to learn could do so without disruption and the moronic phone users would be inflicting self punishment by passing through the education system unemployable benighted misfits.

1 point

NO child left behind in its purest form :) I applaud you!

MacintoshSE(13) Clarified
1 point

That's an interesting idea, but it would render our schools scrambling for extra resources for such kids. Besides, we need productivity in this country. Sure, you could argue that a kid who would choose to use his phone is likely not going to become a productive one, but then there's the possibility that he could by buckling down and facing class with severe phone punishments.

1 point

Students who have already been reprimanded should perhaps be put under greater scrutiny, but not those whose offence is a first or second time.

1 point

Cell phones have no place in the school house ! Cell phones can't even be used in school zones so why should they be permitted in the school house ?

1 point

I don't think so because teachers at my school are pretty strict about phone usage in a classroom. My teacher says everyday "If you have your phone, please mute it or turn it off." Of course its a big problem with cheating on tests and stuff, but the teachers and staffs are pretty strict about even seeing a phone through school hours. XD