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Debate Score:20
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Should U.S. adopt the "one-child" policy as well?

A friend of mine ask my to post this debate she wants to know everyones thoughts about this topic.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 17
1 point

If by US, you mean India, then yes.

Side: Yes
2 points

If we use China as a model, it's pretty clear that this is not a good idea. In China, there are many cases of forced abortion and female infanticide or abandonment directly caused by this policy. Additionally, there is a growing gender imbalance, resulting in human trafficking and slavery as men become more and more desperate to find a wife.

Side: No
2 points

While I don't support infringing on such a personal matter, It may be better to take preemptive measures against overpopulation, resources are running out, technology has to advance at an astronomical pace to manage to create a renewable energy source that is clean, and, even if that happens, overpopulation will, inevitably, lead to a lower general standard of living. I can't really decide except to hope naïvely that the human race will actually adhere to its own "invisible hand" in this matter before it undoes itself.

Side: yes
2 points

The U.S has far, far, far less people than China. They aren't facing overpopulation, either, so no they should force people to only have one child and kill any others that are born of the parents

Side: No
2 points

Total land area of Earth: 148,939,100 km² (36,803,653,121 acres) Total population of Earth: 6,553,289,000 Average population density of Earth: 44.0 persons per square kilometer (5.62 acres per person)

There is no such thing as over population. People need to simply be less spoiled and dedicate more land towards farming and agriculture and less to shopping malls and roadways.

Supporting Evidence: Acres and population (
Side: No
2 points

Last time I heard, this is still America. It should not be illegal to want a family. It is parental instinct. It is a very personal choice that should not be infringed upon.

Side: No
2 points

The government should have no control over people's personal lives and the decisions they make that are clearly not criminal. What the U.S Government should do inorder to build their economy is fire all those officials in office who cannot give account for the money that they were entrusted with. As long as this continues to happen, no matter what they do to build the economy, it will never work as long as you have those in office that are not trustworthy and use taxpayer's money for their own personal purposes.

Secondly, there will also be an increase in the amount of abortions and the government will still have to pay for the abortions for those on welfare and those recieving grants from the government so it will still result in even more expenses that will have to be endured by the government.

And thirdly, children are the leaders and workers of our society in the future, so i see no reason why the government should restrict people on issues of reproduction. There are other alteratives out there that needs to be tend to inorder to work on building this economy.

And fourthly, this economy is not the result of overpopulation but rather the result of the actions of the government which have affected society and the economy coupled with the amount of money spent on wars and providing security from terrorist attacks every year.

Side: No
2 points

But I wouldn't be against forced sterilisation/abortion for abusive parents or parents who continue having children even when they clearly don't have the financial resources to support them.

Side: No
zombee(1014) Disputed
2 points

Of course child abuse and neglect need to be dealt with, but I do not think mandatory abortions or sterilization are good answers. A person's reproductive rights should never be subject to the authority of someone else.

Side: No
Peekaboo(704) Disputed
2 points

I agree that a person's bodily integrity should usually not be violated.

But when it comes to choosing between preventing an irresponsible or criminal adult from enjoying their reproductive rights, and allowing a child to be born into a very unhealthy home, I would think the former is the lesser evil.

Side: yes

I think no such policy is needed. Of course, the population could get out of hand 50 years from now and such a policy would then be needed.

Side: No