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Debate Score:25
Total Votes:26
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Should anti-gay films be banned?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 18
2 points

I could go either way so I'm opting for the no points side :) It depends on what you mean by "anti-gay". If it involves "kill all fanny bandits" then I think it shouldn't be tolerated. The people have been fairly good thus far in keeping the media in check in terms of questionable material, I think that anything can be made and "interest groups" make or break the mass production of said videos. Consider that movie with dakota fanning, it was due to a large public outcry that it didn't succeed. To say that all media should be made and available lacks some forsight considering all media includes hate propoganda, sexual perversions of an insidious nature, cruelty to animals, (they aren't protected by "as long as no one is hurt") etc...

I feel that almost anything should be available (even documentaries that depics animal cruelty for example) but the distinction between informational and sensational must be made. There are even some cases that a movie sensationalizing brutality is informational (Taken), but we can't have neo-nazi arab torture with dead kittens. The people for better or worse have controlled the content so far and as long as they all have a voice, we are still free. So the answer after all, is make almost everythin (we are) and the people will scream when they take issue (they do).

Side: yes

Ever watch 'The Silence of the Lambs'?

Buffalo Bill believed himself a transsexual and thought that the only way to realize his dream was by killing women and making a body suit out of their skin. Homosexuals thought that the film was anti-gay and criticized it.

Just what Dakota Fanning film was that? I'm thinking of Man on Fire but that had nothing to do with homosexuality. Taken was a good example and because it is you, I'll forgive that you were off-topic.

Side: yes

While I haven't heard of that dispute, I will simply say that morons exist everywhere. There's a line between justified outrage, and venting baggage.

I don't remember the name of the movie, but it was supposed to have a rape scene in it. i think it was child sexual abuse, but I don't know how explicit the movie was to go.

Side: yes
3 points

NO film shall be banned no matter what the content of it is. Human beings should be able to view any video they wish for they are free to obtain any information they wish. And, if the making of a film does not include actual physical abuse onto anyone, it should be legal to make one as well.

The government has no right banning any film no matter how hateful it may be.

Side: No
1 point

....................................................................Sense Fuckorship...............................................................

Side: No
2 points

No, freedom of speech.

But, they won't be very popular movies. Not very many people will see them as works of art, or moving, or inoffensive.... Freedom to hate your hate speech.

Side: No
2 points

Bruno highly makes fun of the gay culture (while also making fun of religious and conservative culture). that movie made a shit load of money.

Side: No

Wasn't Brokeback Mountain critically acclaimed?

50 character minimum.

Side: No
1 point

Please reread my post. Obviously you misread something, or think brokeback mountain was anti-gay.

Side: No
1 point

Fuck censorship.

And fuck teh 50 characters limit which is also a kind of censorship.

Side: No
2 points

I like the 50 character rule. It keeps me (the moderator) from having to sift through all the 'lols' and 'wtfs' people leave.

Side: No
hmicciche(660) Disputed Banned
1 point

I like the 50 character rule. It keeps me from having to sift through all the 'lols' and 'wtfs' people leave, unless someone cheats and writes in "50 character minimum".

Side: yes
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

If you can't elaborate on, or support your opinion, then shut up.

Side: No
1 point

.....................................................................Sense Fuckorship...............................................................

Side: No
1 point

.....................................................................Sense Fuckorship...............................................................

Side: No