
Debate Info

Yes we are for equality No
Debate Score:65
Total Votes:93
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 Yes we are for equality (14)
 No (14)

Debate Creator

goodmale(1459) pic

Should gays and zoophilia work together

Please stay on the main topic!

Yes we are for equality

Side Score: 32


Side Score: 33
4 points

"An enemy of my enemy is my friend" You both have the same enemy (me/us), you would accomplish all your goals sooner by working together. The sooner you work together and accomplish your goals the sooner people realize that standing up for sin is wrong in essence.

Side: Yes we are for equality
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

The gay rights movement itself invalidates your argument; part of the reason it has been successful is because it threw more heavily marginalized queer identities under the bus. Working in conjunction with a zoophilia movement would hold the gay rights movement back, not advance it.

Also, the notion that progress teaches conservation it was right is patently idiotic.

Side: No
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

No it would really help them if they worked with zoophilia because more votes for them would be better then less and also it would be the same with zoophilia getting help from gays because more votes are better then less.

Side: Yes we are for equality
2 points

I support gays and I meet a lot of gays and most of them also support zoophilia because we are both for equality.

Side: Yes we are for equality
Hellno(17724) Disputed Banned
2 points

You know... we can tell when you're lying.

Side: No
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

hahahah ahhahaha hahahah hahahah ahhaaha hahaaha you make me lol

Side: Yes we are for equality
0 points

Dhdhxcu xjdjdjcjfj fjdjcjchfj jdhchdhfr udjcjfjf VF ifuf jfufcucuguf ufigug

Side: Yes we are for equality
4 points

There is no reason for the gays to associate with the incredibly annoying zoophiles.

Side: No
goodmale(1459) Disputed
2 points

Hahah you think we are annoying but we are not but if you think that then I guss that you have never been by a gay person before because they can talk and talk and not stop talking.

Side: Yes we are for equality
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

It is annoying seeing someone complain about this site, but never leave like promised. It is annoying to have someone say dog love is better than human love.

Side: No
1 point

Gays can consent, animals can't so you are out of luck. You could make the same "argument" with straight marriage.

Side: No
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

Can you give a video proving animals can't consent and also why if animals can't consent be even considered into animal love when everything else that we do to them is not.

Side: Yes we are for equality
-1 points

What equality? Zoophiles have the exact same rights as everyone else.

Side: No
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

They will not let us be with are partner and they also treat us hatefuly.

Side: Yes we are for equality
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

They will not let us be with are partner

You have the exact same right to marry a person, just like everyone else.

they also treat us hatefuly.

Being treated kindly is not a right.

Side: No