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Debate Score:23
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Should illegal immigration be stopped?


Side Score: 19


Side Score: 4
4 points

With out Illegal Immigration, the price of health care will go down, they use the emergency rooms as primary care doctors and don't pay! they pay no taxes and use all the services.

Side: yes
2 points

Illegal immigration should be stopped because whenever they go to another country they take the jobs from other people. I wouldn't mind as much if they just went through the process like legal immigrants.

Side: yes
1 point

I do agree with most of your arguments, but illegal immigration is only taking jobs from Americans because of two reasons: One, foreigners are attracted to economic freedom and potential prosperity particularly the Mexicans, and two, unions and minimum wage prevents job creation by restricting the number of positions and who can enter. Unions and the government use the minimum wage to keep them out, so the only way that they can get in is illegally, and of course of all citizenship requirements too. They flood the market, so these are tools to keep them out.

Mexicans help the economy because farmers need their help in harvesting; the farmers can't find any Americans willing to do the job.

Side: No

I agree with what you said about Americans not wanting the jobs. When illegal immigrants come over they take the worst jobs. We do need people to take those jobs because they our country would probably fall apart.

Side: No
Typhoonator(2) Disputed
1 point

But, we have millions of jobless Americans to account for. Give the jobs to Americans FIRST, then have the Mexicans come in.

Side: Yes
ARMYANT(38) Disputed
1 point

Americans are willing to work any job as long as they are paid a fair wage! Most illegal aliens I know aren't working as farm hands (only a very small percentage actually do those jobs). Most illegal aliens may be ok starting out with that type of job but they certainly want a better job and will eventually take a much better job from an American. Americans need to start making it very "uncomfortable" for illegals since the government obviously won't.

Side: Yes
2 points

Not only yes, but HELL YES! Illegal is illegal! Kick them all the hell out!

Side: yes

I know that they are attracted to freedom and stuff but we can have stricter immigration policies and tighter border patrol.They also bring down society.

Side: yes
1 point

some immigrants come here for a better cause its rough over there. when ICE comes and takes them away the children are crying cause they see there parents leave and how they treat there parents. and some of them don't steal identities and if they do its cause they want to find a better job to take care of there families. and if there weren't any some jobs like farming or workers that work outside in the very hot or very cold there's not going to be any food for us cause some of the workers are immigrants. and there's more to this but imma have to make it longer than what it already is.

Side: No
Brandon97(2) Disputed
1 point

well, have them do it legally so they don't mess up the system any further.

Side: No
1 point

do yall want children to suffer because they dont have there parents with them and some of them got sent to a place where they take children who have to be adopted i dont know whats it called. and some of them dont even see there parents till when they have vacation times

Side: yes
1 point

When the government creates and executes a national census, the numbers and statistics can't and will never be accurate whilst this nation is full of immigrants. This means that when americans are choking our future leaders, the children of tomorrow.By giving inaccurate data of the population, races', and education. we are supporting negatives, and its keeping the legal % of the population from having the american dream they deserve.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think that people who are too lazy to come into the country like everyone else, needs to get up and get a job.

Side: Yes
1 point

england needs to stop letting them in, this country is already full, at breaking point. when this country is over populated, and fulling apart where do we run too, who will take us in. Most countries, like australia, you can only live in their country if you have alot of money or a good professional job. which is fair. I wonder what americas veiws are,.

Side: Yes

so heres what the government is telling me:

they arent letting certain immigrant,notice certain immigrants, into america cuz the americans might lose jobs? they need jobs too!

Side: Yes
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