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Debate Score:27
Total Votes:28
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Elvira(3446) pic

Should it be legal to posess and grow poison?


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 6
2 points

Some poisonous plants are really beautiful, such as deadly nightshade or laburnum. And you can't outlaw natural plants that are very common, such as the yew. An average of only two people a year die from poisonous plants, anyway.

Side: Yes
2 points

You'll have to define poison down to a very specific point. An apple seed contains trace amounts of cyanide and if ingested in excess will cause bodily harm. The growing of an apple tree is still technically growing a poison. Alcohol is a poison and a lot of cleaning products are poison. You should stop wanting to put regulations on everything.

Side: Yes
2 points

Yew: ingestion of 50-100g of leaves results in a quick (30mins-1hr) yet horrible death.

Belladonna: 5 berries can kill a child.

I don't want to regulate these, by the way.

Side: Yes
1 point

Nah, that statement was for those that do. .

Side: Yes
Kite626(714) Disputed
1 point

I agree with your statement, but i should think it should be illegal because weed is a natural and has a yearly death of 0. Yet it is banned, if you legalize a Poisson plant that could harm in potential than why keep marijuana illegal. Urban them all rather than finding reasons to ban certain things that can benefit. All equality in a general aspect or none what so ever in my opinion.

Side: No
link6065(740) Disputed
2 points

I don't believe weed should be illegal. It's illegal for really dumb reasons. A plant with over 10000 uses is illegal because because one of those uses is "you can get high". But, that's just the surface reason. It was mostly to keep paper companies who used trees in business. Hemp paper is incredible and hemp grows at incredible rates. Marijuana shouldn't be illegal.

Side: Yes
2 points

Well... I have Lily of the Valley in my yard and I don't want to be arrested so yes.... besides... water can be deadly if too much is consumed.

Side: Yes

The difference between medicine and poison is the does in many cases...

Side: Yes

I agree and disagree. First of all, any drug can be turned into a poison. Just disguise an overdose of it (example; Pepto Bismol) as a Nesquik or something using some extra ingredients. I don't know, if you knew enough medicine, biology, and chemistry, you'd probably be able to do something like that (NOT NECESSARILY MY EXAMPLE.) I mean also, any natural chemical you put into your body is still a drug. If the chemical has a physiological effect on your body "when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body," IT'S STILL A DRUG. There's still a difference between the definition of poison and the definition of drug because they mean different things, but all poison fits under the category of being a drug. End of story. Otherwise, I still support your argument though.

Side: Yes

I have a conflicted argument but overall I say yes. Two things:

1. Natural poison is called "venom."

2. I think it would be okay if you had to have a license and special training to grow such a plant. Other things like that need licenses but people can still do them. Examples:

Guns (obviously)

Computer hacking (many forms, one famously called "ethical hacking training")

cars (another obvious one that CLEARLY kills people all of the time and we don't outlaw that)

selling drugs (you need a special license that they give to doctors and pharmacists)

And all of these things are needed in society right? I mean to say that every city is going to have sick people that need to buy drugs, transportation over long distance throughout the city, and people that will need some sort of self defense, and did I mention police officers with guns?, etc.

What I'm not saying is that there's probably some sort of special emergency where one would have to poison someone. I'm saying that put into the right hands, it may actually be a good thing.

There are conflicting studies about whether or not violent media makes kids violent. Some studies show it actually helps some kids' confidence and self esteem some of the time. And also that more kids are helped by this than ones that go around shooting people. It's the message that needs to change in the media, not the concept of having violence right?

So, maybe there's a positive correlation between poison and SOMETHING. Elvira DID SAY that poison plants sometimes look beautiful (not to say that particular example means something).

Side: Yes
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

I like that you're on the right side, but your facts are wrong.

1. Natural poison is called "venom."

A venom is not a poison. It is a venom. A venom can be ingested and one will not come to any harm. A venom is meant to be injected. A poison is a fast acting harmful substance that is ingested or inhaled. A toxin is a poisonous substance produced by living cells or organisms that is active at very low concentrations. Toxins can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins and are capable of causing disease on contact or absorption with body tissues by interacting with biological macromolecules such as enzymes or cellular receptors. Toxins vary greatly in their severity, ranging from usually minor and acute (as in a bee sting) to almost immediately deadly (as in botulinum toxin).

2. I think it would be okay if you had to have a license and special training to grow such a plant. Other things like that need licenses but people can still do them. Examples:

This would never work because a license would have to be issued for every different type of poisonous plant because every poisonous plant is different. Works different, and would need special training on handling each individual species. Much like drivers licenses where there are different variations and training for Transports, busses, cars ect.

besides, Too much water is poisonous. I don't need a license to possess water and I will ask to refrain from any stupidity telling me that I need one.

Side: Yes
Elvira(3446) Clarified
1 point

Venoms can be just as deadly ingested.

Side: Yes
ghostheadX(1105) Disputed
1 point

You need a license to grow marijuana right? That's a few different types of plants right?

By the way, sorry about the racist stuff I said earlier.

Side: No
1 point

Some of you people are funny, you say no to poison but say OK to guns lol, wait, wait, I always wanted to say this, "Poisons don't kill people, people kill people" lol

Side: No
0 points

I dont agree with it because it might kill animals and causes bad effects to environment

Side: No
link6065(740) Disputed
2 points

These things grow naturally. I understand the love for animals but dude.. You're not going to save them all. If you were worried about the environment. You wouldn't have any concern here and you would be more concerned with the armed forces dropping aluminum oxide, strontium and beryllium over all the land which will kill nearly everything off given time.(chem trails/ geoengineering)

Side: Yes
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

If the animals are stupid enough to eat something that grows naturally, and is dangerous to them, they need to die. To make the rest of the species more intelligent and able to survive better.

Side: Yes