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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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BigSmoke(6) pic

Should kids be forced to do exercises at school ?

Nowadays , kids are not being forced to do exercises at school so they got fat and lazy . Our kids health are so important so we have think little more about exercises at school .


Side Score: 5


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No more forced than attending English, math or whatever topic they are required to take. I think it should be a part of the scholastic curriculum. Exercise, it does a body good.

Side: Yes
1 point

Exercises at school are so important as i think . The kids have to do some sport because now we are facing a huge problem which is the obesity . Obesity is like cancer because i spread between people so fast . I think that education are not more important that sport because you might be successful in academic life but your body is like shit ! Sport and exercises are a magnificent lifestyle that makes your life better so we have to spread this way of thinking in our kids brain .

Side: Yes
1 point

yes definitely children should exercise at school because we all know it has so many benefits and improves the functioning of various body organs . Most importantly exercising should become habit of school going children because it will benefit them in future.

Side: Yes
1 point

i agree because Sport and exercises are a magnificent lifestyle that makes your life better

Side: Yes
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