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 Should marijuana use be legal? (9)

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MrsGuido(5) pic

Should marijuana use be legal?

Supporters say regulating and taxing marijuana will bring in much-needed revenue to state coffers. They insist that marijuana use is no more dangerous than alcohol use, and might be less so. However, critics of the proposals say that legalizing marijuana would increase its usage, particularly among young people. Opponents worry about users driving impaired by the drug: The Washington proposal includes a restriction on driving while under the influence of marijuana, while Oregon's and Colorado's propositions do not. Critics have also expressed concern about federal prosecution of users, as well as how the such proposals would affect the tourism industry of their states.

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1 point

For a start, "any" drug that causes sensory, mental or physical impairment should be restricted when driving.

There is a body of research evidence of paranoid pre-psychotic thought processes in "some" vulnerable users.

I have direct experience with some people who sniffed volatile substances who had hard wired their brains and then progressed to marijuana to develop a full blown psychosis.

Smoking anything is bad for your health whether it is marijuana or tobacco

So there is not much positive to say about it though as a commonly used social drug it has become normalised for many people whether possession

of small amounts is legal or illegal.

Perhaps the best I can offer is that if the quality and the distribution is State controlled alongside facilities for rehab for those who may become addicted it may well be a positive improvement in an environment where quality can vary so much that some growing techniques, brands and varieties are toxic to human health and there have been recorded deaths from using them.

Yeah if guys like Justin Bieber , Russell Crowe can have marijuana certainly their followers including me would definitely say it's legal to have it.

DKCairns(868) Disputed
1 point


If they are your role models for decision making then I would question the validity of saying "its legal to have it" as your response.

1 point

Yes. Marriage is a human right for consenting adults. .

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Guess that's a no then. Hahaha. Another fail for the child porn advocate!

Atrag(5666) Disputed
0 points

Wrong catchphrase. This debate is about marijuana. dont have a catchphrase for that?

2 points

No, you are wrong this debate is about Mary Jane. And if a woman wants to marry Jane, she should be allowed to. BOOM!

Of course it should be legal.

First, what right does the state have to stop you from eating, drinking, or smoking whatever you want?

Driving while under the influence applies to marijuana users too.

The US has been waging a "war on drugs" for four decades now, and illegal drugs are as pervasive as ever. Billions of tax payers dollars have been spent annually on this unsuccessful war. It's time to stop wasting this money.

1 point

Yes, marijuana should be legalized and regulated in the same fashion that alcohol is regulated. Alcohol is a far more dangerous substance than marijuana. That are not many, if any, marijuana related over doses deaths. How many for alcohol? How many people have been admitted to hospitals with marijuana poisoning? Car accidents related to smoking and driving in comparison to drinking and driving? If marijuana was legalized and sold, the thc content and the effects of the particular strand could be documented so people know exactly what they are buying; as opposed to someone buying it off the streets with the danger of the marijuana being laced with something extra.