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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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Srom(12120) pic

Should parents prevent their kids from being Gothic?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5
1 point

My parents prevented me from it. The spanking for becoming it was so hot though WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Side: Yes

Freedom of expression, yo.

Side: No
1 point

What's wrong with being Gothic?

Side: No
1 point

Its wrong for a parent to try and prevent a child from being a Goth, it'll cause friction in the household and damage the child's self esteem and confidence and most kids will just rebel and do their own thing anyway. A parents job is to guide their children, my daughter is really into One Direction and crap like that, mass produced music that rips off previous better bands, music that to me is soulless, I hate it but I won't stop her listening to it and insist she listens to The Ramones and The Clash because its the music she enjoys.

Side: No

Parents should provide safety for their children, and if they don't then the conclusion is obvious. So! There is nothing bad about being Gothic. These people are just different, and they act dark and depressed. Not sure about that, because it depends on the person personality. But if judged by the media then Goths don't seem as friendly. And that could be one reason why so many people oppose it, just because it seems wrong. -Parents should accept their children, and guide the path for them until they reach maturity and learn responsibility to move on by themselves. And really Goths aren't evil. The only dangerous cause of evil would be stupidity. Which exists in every community or social group.

Side: No

I feel a parent's responsibility is to take care of, guide to be better, discipline to be better, and love their offspring. I do not see how being goth gets in the way of any of that.

Side: No